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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Orioles raising season ticket prices by 20% average in 2016

The Baltimore Orioles are raising ticket prices for season plan holders by an average of 20 percent in 2016.

The increase marks the third time in the past 12 seasons the team will hike prices. The team froze prices last season, a year after hiking prices by an average of 5 percent in 2014.

The average ticket price for plan holders this year will be about $30, up from $25 last season, said Greg Bader, a spokesman for the Orioles.

The Orioles are sending invoices to season plan holders via email on Tuesday afternoon.



  1. I'm boycotting until they move to a safer city.

  2. Thats outrageous! We should riot that city!! Hey Mike Lewis.....get on Fox and let them know your going back to Balmur on your Lil pony to fight those rioting O's fans. The O's are all that city has thats worth seeing and Angelos is ruining that now too.

  3. Geez, it was already an expensive family trip, now this sends it right over the edge!

  4. This was to be expected. The O's do not print money like some of the bigger markets up north and Cali, as the team has become more competive so has the payroll attempting to stay competive. If you go to some of the blog sites most serious fans are okay with this asking and they are actually spending, and that they are doing. They actually offerend Cespedes a legit contract after signing Davis which shocked almost every one in baseball because we have never spent like that. OPCY is still the best park in American sports and well worth the price of admission.

  5. They up the ticket prices now up the quality of the starting pitching.

  6. I stopped going years ago. Way too expensive. Especially for a family of 4 plus parking fees and food. They can keep it! Nose bleed seats to boot!

  7. I would say they must not want the average person to attend their games anymore...I will count the empty seats when I watch them on tv.

  8. Wow
    Guess beers will probably be next
    You can keep it

  9. Anyone dumb enough to go to baltimore and PAY to be there deserves to pay more!

  10. does anyone have a Baltimore riot schedule for this year


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