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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Princeton Professor RAGES After Cops Arrest Her Due To Outstanding Warrant…For Parking Ticket

Police pulled a Princeton University professor over for speeding on Saturday afternoon and then arrested her because of an outstanding parking ticket from three years ago.

The professor is Imani Perry of Princeton’s African American studies department, reports The Daily Princetonian.

Perry’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day began around 9:30 a.m. as she was on her way to an academic symposium. A pair of Princeton, N.J. police officers pulled her over for speeding, Perry said.

Upon routinely running Perry’s license, the unidentified officers discovered an outstanding warrant for Perry’s arrest. The warrant was issued, police say, because Perry’s driver’s license was suspended in 2013 — and a $130 fine was imposed — over a parking violation.



  1. They probably arrested her because she was arrogant, not because she was black!

  2. Obama approved outrage.

  3. Joe
    Watch this show called, The third jihad......America better wake up.

  4. She was arrested for driving suspended not a parking ticket. Media sensationalism.

    1. She thought she was above the law and didn't need to pay the fine welcome to Obama's liberal world.

  5. happens all the time aroud here, you dont pay your parking tickets, they suspend your license, forces you to pay. nothing to see her, stop being a moron. it happens to people of any color. and it makes it easy when your speeding. how about you park where you are supposed too, and how about you pay the fine when you get it in the mail.

    1. Again she thought she was above the law.

  6. Poor baby, no black privilege for you.

  7. As to her Facebook treatise - YAWN.....

  8. Caint do da time, don't do da crime!

  9. How could she not know her license was suspended?

  10. Upaddys liberal professor can't do no wrong.

  11. The State of MD does not suspended drivers licenses for unpaid parking tickets.

  12. 5:40 They will notify you if your license is suspended.

  13. you can study all you need to know about African americans by walking down any street in Salisbury, you don't need to go to Princeton university, just go to Princeton homes

  14. “But if it is the standard protocol in an affluent suburb to disallow a member of the community to make a call before an arrest"...

    As opposed to a standard protocol in a POOR suburb? Really? You hypocritical, elitist over privileged bint.

    Check your "black privilege", Ms. Perry.


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