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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Paul Ryan: ‘We’re Not Going To Be Talking About Visa Caps’

In a remarkable interview with popular Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo, House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) declined multiple times to answer whether he would, as Speaker of the House, allow legislation to proceed curbing the rapid growth of America’s foreign-born population.

Ninety-two percent of GOP voters want immigration frozen or slashed, according to Pew polling data.

Ryan eventually admitted the he would not bring up legislation desired by the overwhelming majority of his Party: “We’re not going to be talking about visa caps in our agenda,” Ryan declared.

As Breitbart News has previously documented, Ryan has devoted much of his career to preserving and expanding mass migration into the United States— a key part of the GOP establishment policy platform.

Ryan’s admission is significant as it means that the leader of the Republican Party in Congress has all but announced that the will of GOP voters on the signature issue of 2016 will not be part of the Republican agenda.


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