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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Catholic college president rejects faculty demand he resign.

EMMITSBURG, Md. (AP) — Mount St. Mary’s University President Simon Newman rejected the faculty’s demand for his resignation Monday after a majority of students expressed support for his leadership, including a bluntly pragmatic plan to boost the academic ranking of the nation’s second-oldest Catholic university.

“I’m not going to stop,” Newman told scores of cheering students rallying outside the administration building. Although classes were canceled by a blustery snowstorm, students showed up with signs reading, “I Stand by Newman” and “Team Newman.” They listened to brief speeches by Newman and student government leaders, and then invited their peers to discuss the dispute at a nearby cafeteria.

Faculty members will meet later this week to discuss their reaction to Newman’s refusal to step down, David McCarthy, a professor of theology and secretary to the faculty, said in an email. He said 90 of the roughly 110 full-time faculty voted by secret ballot Friday, and 87 of them supported the request for Newman to resign by Monday morning.

“Our decision was based on what we think is the best way for the university to move forward,” McCarthy wrote.



  1. Newman needs to resign. What a jerk.

  2. To 12:47 Why is he a JERK ? Tell us why or are YOU only speaking from STUPIDITY?


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