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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

More: Young Female Democrats “Perplexed” By Hillary Clinton’s Claim That They Should Support Her Just Because She’s a Woman

I know I covered this basic idea earlier but it keeps popping up. Seems to be worth mentioning again.

Also, I forgot to mention two stories from the weekend.

First, Gloria Steinem said that young women are supporting Bernie Sanders to meet boys.

That has to be the most sexist thing ever. Seriously! She's claiming these little girls have nothing go on in their heads, no "agency," no concern other than meeting some cute (?) liberal boys.

She said this on the Bill Maher show.

Asked why the former secretary of state isn't doing better among young women, Steinem said females typically don’t start taking politics seriously until they get older.

"When you're young, you're thinking, 'Where are the boys?' The boys are with Bernie," Steinem added.

Maher was immediately taken aback by Steinem's comment.

"Now if I said that -- 'Yeah, they're for Bernie 'cause that's where the boys are' — you'd swat me," Maher said.

"No, I wouldn't," Steinem fired back.

Yes you would.


  1. HELLO, isn't this the same as hiring blacks, Hispanics, etc., because they are the minority. Same thing in my book... This is why our government work force on every level as so incompetent. No excuse for hiring practices like this.

  2. Many women will support her just because she is woman. I have talked to several who agree she is a piece of garbage, but plan to vote if she is the nominee. Good thing I have no hair because I would pull it all out.

  3. I am a woman and I have no respect for any woman that would vote for Hillary Clinton. She has a sexist husband, is delusional, and a criminal who will destroy this country if elected POTUS.


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