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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Beyoncé Super Bowl Performance Pays Tribute to Black Panthers

Singer Beyoncé Knowles brought black liberation politics to the Super Bowl halftime show Sunday in a performance that appeared to pay tribute to the Black Panthers.

Backed by a cadre of backup dancers sporting Black Panther berets, Beyoncé performed her new single “Formation” in homage to the Black Lives Matter movement.

At one point during the performance, the dancers formed an X seemingly in tribute to black Muslim activist Malcolm X and raised their fists in the “black power” salute.



  1. Let's not forget that Malcom X was a practicing Muslim.

  2. Malcolm X would never support Beyonce for a couple of reasons.
    1) She panders to whites to make money.
    2) She got a police escort to get to her big show.
    3) True Black Panther ideology, she wouldn't have done the halftime show for the Super Bowl in the first place, based on principle because the owners are mostly white.

    It's always nice to see a black woman who promotes segregation and police hating while sporting BLONDE hair. Hypocritical? Malcolm wouldn't like that either.

    What she and her BLM friends are doing is nothing more ridiculous than if the US re-declared war against Germany to avenge the Holocaust. Makes sense?

  3. Bye Beyonce, you're actually an idiot and I thought you were just clueless.

  4. Thought this was a football game .Not pep rally for homegrown terrorists.

  5. I find the whole presentation offensive. As a white working class person who minds their own business, I perceive this as reverse racism. Blacks hating whites because they don't like how things are going today for them. Two wrongs don't make a right. And Malcolm X is a poor role model to follow. Not to mention the whole anti capitalism thing really wreaks like total hypocrisy.

  6. Malcolm X was not a member of the BPP, especially considering the fact that he died a year before they formed....DERP. Know the history before speaking from a position of total ignorance....also...between 1966 and 1974...please list all of the people murdered by the panthers that they embraced the 2nd amendment? Then list all of the panthers who were killed by federal agents......then get back to me on what constitutes racism and comparing the BPP with the KKK...utter garbage

  7. Screw Beyoncé and the black panthers!! She was more white than I am until she met Jay-zero!! What a joke

  8. @thorntoncrowe said...
    Malcolm X would never support Beyonce for a couple of reasons.
    1) She panders to whites to make money.
    2) She got a police escort to get to her big show.
    3) True Black Panther ideology, she wouldn't have done the halftime show for the Super Bowl in the first place, based on principle because the owners are mostly white.

    It's always nice to see a black woman who promotes segregation and police hating while sporting BLONDE hair. Hypocritical? Malcolm wouldn't like that either.

    What she and her BLM friends are doing is nothing more ridiculous than if the US re-declared war against Germany to avenge the Holocaust. Makes sense?

    February 10, 2016 at 1:45 PM

    Plus like you indicated she tries to look white. I'm pretty sure that hair really isn't hers.


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