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Monday, February 01, 2016

Major anti-Muslim group Pegida to launch branch in Ireland

Pegida, an anti-Islamization group founded in Germany, will formally announce an Irish branch of the organization at a protest rally in Dublin on February 6th. Ireland will become the 15th country to establish its own branch of the organization. The German group will in future contest German elections and the Irish group may well follow suit.

Peter O’Loughlin, who will be running for Identity Ireland in Cork North Central, confirmed the launch of Pegida Ireland at a press conference, where he introduced Pegida UK coordinator and former English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson, the Irish Times reports.

“Pegida [Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the Occident, in German] is making international headlines,” said O’Loughlin. “It is giving the people of Europe a chance to speak out and have a voice against the absolutely disastrous policies of the EU and of the German government and the various puppet governments around Europe.”



  1. Excellent news and I wish them the very best of luck before the PC crowd starts targeting them.

  2. I'll join, if they have a U.S. branch!


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