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Monday, February 01, 2016



  1. Yep, and I'm one of them. Good to see Gov. Hogan has been good for the state. But, my family and business are gone and won't be back. MD's loss.

  2. You are dreaming and left us in a nightmare. map

  3. Not to worry. He's polling at 3%. Nobody outside of Maryland even knows who in the hell he is.

  4. Why answer? Do you believe he will read this?

    He is out and looking for an appointment. VP?, Secretary of state?

    Federal reserve? economics? Agriculture? On our dime!

    I give up. he is a loser and is the only one that does not realize it.

  5. And the same with the BERN and Hitlary. Once in charge, there will no longer be a Bill of Rights.

  6. He's Marylands Joe biden. USELESS! !


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