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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Letter of opposition to Poultry Bill Wicomico County

The letter states:

Delegate Carl Anderton House Office Building, Room 317
6 Bladen Street Annapolis, MD 21401

RE: Senate Bill 496/House Bill 599 - Poultry Litter Management Act

Dear Delegate Anderton:

This letter is to respectfully express the opposition of the Wicomico County Executive and Wicomico County Council to the passage of Senate Bill 496/House Bill 599 titled “Poultry Litter Management Act.” If enacted, this bill will impose a financial burden on chicken farmers on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

We think the passing of the PMT regulation last year, combined with its full implementation by 2022 will accomplish the same goals as Senate Bill 496/House Bill 599. It will be necessary for the poultry integrators to help out with the manure issues so their independent growers can continue to raise chickens. Additionally, we do not see where Senate Bill 496/House Bill 599 contributes to increased water quality, therefore making Senate Bill 496/House Bill 599 redundant to the PMT regulation. We suggest that before legislatively piling more regulations on an over regulated industry, the PMT regulation be given the time needed for full implementation.

The poultry industry is one of the largest components of Maryland’s largest industry, agriculture, which is largely concentrated on the Eastern Shore. The loss of that key industry would be devastating to the Eastern Shore and to Maryland as a whole.

Your opposition of Senate Bill 496/House Bill 599 would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Well this is ignorant. The farmers should be given the choice of whether they want the responsibility of the manure or not. That's what this is about. It will be up to them. None of the farmers will say they don't want it though for fear of being black balled by the companies. So when the politicians say they don't know of any farmer that's for this that's why. Trump's right in that our politicians are stupid. Most don't even know what is really going on around them. Just because someone won't publicly express they are for something doesn't mean they are against it. And when they say they are against it it's because they fear reprisal if they don't. The chicken farmers are living in fear of pissing off the companies and losing contracts so when company says do this they do it. The thing is as it stands now the tax payers are paying for the excess manure in the form of cover crop programs and all the other use of tax payer money to dispose of it.

  2. This sounds like it was written by some kind of simpleton. Equating factory farming with agriculture is laughable. Factory farming is what has caused the devastating on the Eastern Shore. People with money don't want to live near the stench. No business is going to relocate here and subject themselves and their employees to the stench. One thing though keep this confined to the Eastern Shore where low paying poverty level jobs like those in this industry prevail. Factory farming only devastates areas and offers no benefits.

  3. 1:43 so true. There is farming then there is factory farming. There has to be some form of accountability. It absolutely contaminates ground water and air quality.

  4. 1:43 Can I join your world where food magically appears out of thin air? Where meat comes already pre-packaged, as to not "hurt the animals". Where vegetables grow in the sky, pulling nitrogen out of the atmosphere and float to earth once they are ripe? GTFOH.

  5. Watching the circus of elected officials these last several months has convinced me to change my affiliation to INDEPENDENT. The people in office serve their respective parties and no longer the citizens there are supposed to be representing. From Washington to Annapolis, they continue to spit in our faces while they ignore the laws they are supposed to be upholding. O'Malley refuses to pay sales tax on furniture he bought and the Clintons refuse to pay income tax on their "foundation" that they launder through Canada. Enough is enough.

  6. Don't be silly 2:04. No one is saying or even insinuating that farms aren't necessary! And what orifice did you pull the "as to not "hurt the animals" nonsense? I didn't say that! Stop being an ignoramus. FYI Einstein Lancaster County PA has the best most fertile soil in the country if not the world and do you know why? Because they use a mixture of manure. The soy bean around here are all leaf and very small beans compared with what they grow up there.
    Eating meats who main diet was alive was corn is not good for humans. All the diabetes, IBS, and on and on is directly caused by the meats and other over processed you uniformed people are eating. Then they are injecting the meats w/solutions that the human body wasn't meant to consume and everyone wonders why when they are told they have 6 wks to live.

  7. I don't farm but I rent farmland out and we had a soil tester out here a few weeks ago. I don't know much about it but they told me that our soil was good compared to most. They said so many around here are "saturated" with nitrogen and phosphorus to the point of the soil being bad for good crop production.

  8. It's really funny how when someone is diagnosed w/cancer around here they immediately want to run to Johns Hopkins for treatment. This is the same Johns Hopkins who for years has done studies and put out info on the negative health impacts of not only eating the product of factory farms but living near them. How come every one trusts them with treatment but doesn't take their advice on how to prevent the disease to begin with?

  9. First, the letter should not be signed, "Wicomico County Maryland." Under the authority of what entity in Wicomico County was it written? That is how it should be signed.

    Second, it is too general in its assertions. It appears that little effort was made to substantiate the authors' case. For example, "...we do not see where Senate Bill 496/House Bill 599 contributes to increased water quality..." Explain.

    Third, Carl Anderton is one vote and although he is the rep for the area where the so-called factory farm is to be located, one should prevail upon all representatives who are in a position to advocate for the stated position.

    Finally, some info for the group of citizens who oppose the 13 chicken houses. Good luck with getting any relief from MDE or MDA. I know; I have been there. Bet you lunch that if you do get a hearing, the judge will trot out the same old tired cases to support a ruling against you. Sugarloaf Vs. MDE; Sugarloaf Vs. Mongomery County.

  10. I agree 2:19. Elected officials are all jokes and not worth a damn except for Donald Trump. He told it like it is with the meat industry and how we are getting screwed with the free trade nonsense. All we export is meat and as a result are turning the US into a toxic waste dump.

  11. Yes 2:27 and the runoff from their manure is coming right on down the river to the Chesapeake Bay. Pennsylvania has done nothing to curb it and we just keep blaming the local farmers.

  12. Lancaster county is known for it's good soil. I actually worked with some Amish from up there about 15 years ago who were looking to move due to high farmland prices in and around Lancaster. I tried talking them into starting the new settlement on the lower shore but low crop yield was a major concern of theirs. They did mention it was because of the soil being ruined by improper balancing of fertilizer. A couple of hundred Amish families ended up moving to Rockville (Parke county) IN which is a shame because they would have been a benefit to this area. The settlement continues to grow.

  13. 2:04 there's too much manure around and you know it. If it weren't there would be no need for the cover crop program in MD. All they do is use up the excess manure and the tax payers are paying for it. If you want to factory farm then the farmers who do it need to stop sponging off the tax payers. They are no better than welfare kings and queens who suck off the system.

  14. According to the MD Dept of Ag in 2015 approx 20 million dollars was earmarked for farmers for the cover crop program. What this basically is, are the tax payers paying to get rid of the excess manure. Why are tax payers footing the bill for farmers and the companies to get rid of the manure?

  15. No no no no 3:01. You statement is so not true. It's well know and very well publicized that the state of PA is the biggest polluter of the Bay. The farmers there have to do the same management plans, build sheds etc that farmers in MD are required to do because the regulations are federal. That's why when people say all the farmers will move to NC or elsewhere it makes no difference. The laws are federal.

  16. Somebody needs to get a proofreader that knows grammar, not just spelling.

  17. Instead of worrying about the grammar and spelling how about worrying about content? Why is it when someone is proved wrong they always look to try and change the subject and deflect away from the issue at hand? This isn't about grammar. It's about the health and welfare of people and it's a shame some of us care more for their dog then a lot of you do about your own children. It's a damn shame how low people have sunk that they would subject a child to the health risks posed by factory farming.

  18. All I am going to say is everyone need to ask their doctor to test them for something called histoplasmosis. It's epidemic around here but most people don't know they even have it. It is said that upwards of 90 percent will test positive for it here on the Eastern Shore. Most often the infection will subside without treatment but not always. It is a leading cause of what most think of as age related loss of eye sight and can lead to blindness. The primary infection site is the lungs and it is often misdiagnosed as a common cold, allergies or even asthma. People who have thought they've had asthma for years are surprised to learn differently and when treated properly they are off the inhalers and other meds for good. It is a fungus found in bird droppings including chickens.

  19. How exactly will this "impose a financial burden on chicken farmers"? I don't agree with letter like this that are full of gloom and doom with no basis in fact. If you are going to make an accusation back it up with fact or don't do it. It is not productive and it serves no purpose.

  20. 2:27 / 2:44 bet both of you idiots are supporting Liarton in his bid for office...take him and your butts back to the Western Shore or Pennsylvania and dream your fairy tales there! I bet you eat veggie burritos and have to have Starbucks coffee. The poultry industry does more in providing funds for the bay than any other industry around...go back get your Occidental Chemical, DuPont, and Standard Register to put their big bucks into "bay clean-up"...hint, it won't happen!! Get a life!!!!!

  21. 5:02 I have news for you. I am as right wing as they come. I eat meat, I allow hunters on my 400+ acres, I hate Starbucks and haven't stepped foot in one in probably 10 yrs. I listen faithfully to the Micro Effect radio broadcasts (look them up and listen and then dare tell ME that I voted for Ireton or any other democrat for that matter.)
    What I am tired of is companies sucking off the system and that is exactly what the chicken companies do. They devastate an area. They come in take over and eliminate by seeing to it that smaller companies are regulated out of business. Then they pay poverty level wages so the employees have to rely on welfare to make ends meet. Growers end up having no choice but to contract with them and become nothing more than mere slaves who have no choice in where to sell their product to. The wages are so low then they have to import workers who don't have the same standard of living as we do, can't afford homes and also then get entitlements. This blights neighborhoods and property values drop. I do have a life and it is a very good one thank you very much. I don't have children myself but I am very concerned about the mess this country has become for future generations esp children here in this area. There is no hope for them to stay here. None. No jobs nothing and it's terrible. This is the same story everywhere where factory farming has prevailed. The sad part is you people are too narrow minded and short sighted to understand and admit you screwed up royally.
    This area was prosperous pre factory farming. Seed and feed stores everywhere. 20 plus chicken possessing plants, all kinds of good jobs fed off the ag industry. No more!


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