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Sunday, February 21, 2016

John Cannon Ticked Off Today After Attempting To Legislate Poultry, County Executive Shut Him Down

Executive Culver Stated:

“We have a process that we want to complete by gathering accurate facts that experts from the State Departments of Health and Mental Hygiene, Environment, and Agriculture can share.

We are working with the Governor’s office to have the appropriate representatives from the state departments available for a public forum, at which time they can present factual information and address concerns expressed by our citizens. The public will be invited to attend this open forum.”

“This situation is of a high priority and I am working diligently on it. We firmly believe that all information needs to be gathered and analyzed before regulation or legislation is considered.

We have confirmed today with Governor Hogan’s office that the Secretaries of Environment, Agriculture, and Department of Health and Mental Hygiene have agreed to participate in the public forum that we are proposing and we will be working on scheduling a date over the course of the next several days.”


  1. John Cannon tried to act as quickly as he could on this legislation to get it forced through on his own. The interesting thing was that John Cannon had two or three of his buddies from the neighborhood sitting in the back you know the ones that live in an agricultural area but don't want to smell chickens . Johnny boy was trying to take on some favors.

  2. I am getting sick and tired of watching the county council meeting and seeing John Cannon argue with the county council. He needs to step down as council president.

  3. Why is John Cannon the County Council President anyway???

  4. "Experts" and any public agency should never be used in the same sentence.

  5. We can trust Bob Culver to do a good and thorough job. He doesn't need to scratch any ones back or call on favors. He is like our governor. They are both working men and know how to run the show.
    Thank you Bob for doing it right!!

  6. Thank you again Mr. Culver for your thoughtfulness and deliberation regarding this very important issue. Your hard work does not go unnoticed.

  7. This is important Countywide to show everyone what kind of person John Cannon is.

  8. Cannon wants the County Executive position in the worst way, but he's showing himself to be not competent for the job.

    1. 5:31 I don't know if he wants the County Executive position or not but he sure is putting himself out there to get noticed. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to run for Delegate again or Senate. Not sure where he lives these days since he got kicked out of his girlfriends house.

  9. PEOPLE...these mega chicken farms do just come to an area...they come in clusters. Just look at what happened in Somerset County. So if this isn't in YOUR back yard just know that the next one (YES THERE WILL BE MORE ONCE THE DOOR IS OPENED) will be in your neighborhood.

    1. 5:50 did it ever occur to you that much of Wicomico County is zoned agriculture? If you don't want to live near a farm or a chicken house you should have stayed in Pennsylvania or you can move in the Salisbury city limits. We don't need you here and we don't want you here.

    2. John Cannon is a snake and is trying to screw everyone over get what he wants. Hey John do you remember getting spanked by Charles Otto when you ran for Delegate. Heck Julie Brewington got more votes than you did. SPANKED!!!

    3. Once the door is opened? They are already allowed to build chicken houses in Wicomico County. It's zoned Ag and there is a right to farm law!!

  10. John the Democrat/ Socialist tried to ramrod it through before it could be evaluated, but (We have to pass it so we can see what's in it!) fortunately, Mr. Culver's cool head stopped his train!

    Lick your wounds and wait for the forum, John.

  11. 6:10 PM, you are typical Eastern Shore telling people we don't need or want you here - how nice. NOT!

  12. Good move on his girlfriend's part.

  13. 3:29 - remember, we elected the cleanest turd in the pile...knowing he was a RINO all along.

  14. Sorry I agree the land is zoned Ag but growing uh let me fix that raising chickens is not f******* farming. My Grandfather and his were farmers. Growing chickens is industrial you and Jimmy Perdue can call it what you want. Mega chicken houses are no good to your neighbors. The facts are the facts. Half the chickens if not more are shipped over seas. So save the feed America bull crap for someone who does not know. GREEED is what it is called period. Perdue got the last laugh anyway. He has made a good life for he and his family. Take notice he does not live on a chicken farm or anywhere near one. He must actually love his kids.

    1. Thank god a true assessment got posted!! This city and county is driven by nothing but greed!! Culver is about to show you how it's done using the county executive office to fulfill his agenda

  15. Allowing the Mega Poultry operations opens the county of for a waste processing operation. They call it bio-mass and boy does it stink. Taxpayers pay developers to turn the manure into fuel. It is dangerous and reduces air quality. At first officials say its anaerobic digestion but that can only be done on small amounts. The bait and switch will come shortly after just like what's happening in Somerset. Their Commissioners are pretending its small amounts when it is really 250,000 tons of poultry waste (The Clean Bay Project). Somerset Officials are so dumb, they are asking for it to come. Poor, Dumb Somerset. The fuel produced will cost $25 to $149 per gallon...but don't worry the military will buy it.


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