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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Iceberg kills 150,000 penguins

(CNN)About 150,000 penguins have died since being stranded by a vast iceberg that became lodged off the coast of Antarctica six years ago, according to the journal Antarctic Science.

Combined with expanding ice, the B09B iceberg, which at 1,120 square miles is almost the size of Rhode Island, has cut off the Adelie penguins' food supply and changed the landscape of their home, according to a February report in the peer-reviewed journal published by Cambridge University Press.

The towering mass of water ice first ran aground into the penguins' habitat of Cape Denison in Commonwealth Bay in 2010. Before that it was floating along the coast for nearly 20 years before colliding into the bay. The iceberg essentially has landlocked the penguins, forcing the animals to trek across a desolate stretch of nearly 40 miles to find food.



  1. What, we couldn't relocate them?

  2. Sure it is not the chem trails or the global warming killing them? bc it is kind of funny in that it is a coincidence that all of these animals are dying off at a staggering rate... Dolphins, birds, sharks, now penguins...

  3. Where the heck is Al Gore when you need him?


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