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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bush Campaign Sources: Campaign Out of Money. Pay Ends Saturday.

This is pretty remarkable. Sources close to the Bush campaign are beginning to leak about a call last night. I’m told the Bush team is out of money. Pay for campaign staff will end on Saturday. The campaign is all but over.

Additionally, after having hundreds of millions of dollars on hand, the Bush Super PAC has less than $15 million from what I am being told.

What a waste.

Ironically, if Bush really wants to have an impact on the race, given that his campaign is broke, he should publicly get out of the race today. This would be like Rich Perry in 2012, who got out, cast his support to Gingrich at the last minute, and saw Gingrich storm into first place in South Carolina.

Bush could be the king maker if he gets out today.



  1. he need to just go away already!

  2. Here is a story Bernie Sanders is using illegal aliens to knock on doors.

  3. I have hardly seen any advertisements for Jeb or Hillary, yet both have/had over $150 million. WTF? Why is that needed, and where TF does it go? Pathetic leaders.

  4. I have seen a few anti-Trump ads from Jeb - they cost him some money!

  5. Political pac money is how we get the super rich to let go of their money and spread it around to the less fortunate. Spend away.

    As for JEB I don't understand how he got elected governor. He is not the candidate nor campaigner his brother was and is. I do think he is smarter. But voters don't always appreciate intelligence.

  6. This is what it took to get Jeb to drop out? I would've thought Katie Packer and her nefarious superPAC would've kept him in the shadow game for at least a couple more primaries. Super Tuesday's just around the corner and all.

    Perhaps the superPAC paid the Pope. Who knows. Done with the Bush dynasty. He needs to just pack 'er up and go back to the ranch.


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