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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

'Hookers for Hillary' in Clinton's corner ahead of Nevada caucuses

The woman seeking America’s top job is getting a boost from the world’s oldest profession.

Ahead of the Nevada Democratic caucuses this weekend, a group of sex workers operating under the name Hookers for Hillary is going all in for Hillary Clinton’s campaign – touting her positions on health care and other issues.

According to The Guardian, brothel owner Dennis Hof and the girls at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch launched the pro-Clinton project shortly after she entered the race.

In interviews with the newspaper, they described their support as an endorsement of Clinton’s efforts to combat domestic violence as well. And one simply described it as a case of women helping women.



  1. Bet Bill knows most of them.

  2. 6:46
    Wouldn't be surprised if hillery doesn't know many of them.

  3. Well Bill ought to just love this

  4. Just like Hillary, there ain't much to look at there.

  5. Didnt Lamar Odom almost die in there recently?

  6. I can't think of a legitimate reason for these women to support Hillary. They are obviously ignorant of who she really is and what she's done. Of course, they are out in the middle of nowhere.

  7. Gone are the days of merit. Knowing, and respecting the law. Following the Constitution. Having the will to protect our nation.
    Now, we vote for "community organizers" who have never produced anything, worked for a living, ran a Kool-Aid stand, or analyzed a P&L.
    We vote for some just because of their gender?! To be PRESIDENT?!
    And we wonder why the rest of the world either holds us in contempt or outright laughs at us. Well, some wonder. Most are plain clueless. The bad news is they still get to vote.
    Keep cheering.

  8. Two Things Could Be TrueFebruary 17, 2016 at 9:45 PM

    Imclain, anyone voting for a person who is about to be indicted is just a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Much like Glenn Beck, it appears America has dropped it's basket or gone 'round the bend in the worse way. Pop culture society not believing in morality, integrity and obeying laws.

    Funny, I've lived my whole life and not had a problem obeying the laws. I don't see where it's all that challenging. Would think it'd be more challenging to break the law without getting caught.


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