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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Clinton, Sanders Agree: Expand Social Security Taxes Beyond Wages to Investment Income

(CNSNews.com) - "We both believe there has to be more money going into the Social Security system," Hillary Clinton said at Thursday's Democrat debate in Milwaukee.

"I'm interested in making sure we get the maximum amount of revenue from those who can well afford to provide it. So I'm going to come up with the best way forward. We're going to end up in the same place," she told Sen. Bernie Sanders. "We're going to get more revenue."

Clinton said she would use the money she gets from wealthy people to "prioritize those recipients who need the most help first." Women, she said.

Sanders said he would use the money he gets from wealthy people to expand Social Security by $1,300 a year for everyone making under $16,000.

And how would they get more money?



  1. everything has to be about get more revenue.

  2. They only want to get more money into Social Security so they can spend it elsewhere again!

  3. 150 million to Iran would be a bump for S.S.


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