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Thursday, February 11, 2016


New campaign to stop her combines investigative journalism, legal action

With the possibility fading of Barack Obama’s Justice Department prosecuting the inevitable Democratic Party presidential nominee, a new independent campaign has arisen to expose Hillary Clinton’s criminal actions and prosecute her at the state level.

It’s called the Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project, and it was conceived by two veteran investigative journalists who plan to take their findings to state attorneys general in jurisdictions in which the nonprofit, tax-exempt Clinton Family Foundation does business.

“The Clinton Family Foundation is effectively a criminal, money-laundering operation principally established to enrich the founders with political payoff money, including millions from foreign donors,” said Joseph Farah, founder and chief executive officer of WND. “It’s a racketeering enterprise protected by the Democratic Party dons – including the president of the United States and his attorney general.”



  1. When she is indicted, her White House aspirations are over! Hopefully, she will stay in the race to muddy the waters and split the dumbocrat party. At that point, every dumbocrat politician is in danger of losing their seat - guilt by association!

  2. The first state level charges will have as much of a damaging effect as federal charges would.

    Somebody, grow a backbone and file the charges!

  3. You guys are very impatient. There may be a very vicious reason the timing is moving closer to the election. Wouldn't be at all surprised if Biden has always been his pick to step in a 'save the day.'


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