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Thursday, February 11, 2016


Hillary camp silent on State Department investigation

State Department investigators subpoenaed the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation last fall and made sure to include former “special government employee” Huma Abedin in their crosshairs.

State IG spokesman and representatives of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign had no comment for the Washington Post after its story broke Thursday afternoon. At issue are projects the organization engaged in that may have required approval from the federal government prior to going forward.

The ‘Stop Hillary’ campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: ‘Clinton for prosecution, not president’

News of the subpoena further undercuts the Democrat candidate’s repeated claims that she never violated a subsection of the Espionage Act related to “gross negligence” in handling government documents during her time as President Obama’s secretary of state. Clinton said just one week ago she was “100 percent confident” the FBI’s investigation into her “home brew” email server would turn up no wrongdoing on her part.

Agents are also trying to determine whether co-mingling of the Clinton Foundation and State Department business violated public corruption laws.



  1. seriously, prosecutors can't figure out if co-mingling personal & gubmint business is against the law? oh, yeah, Congress is allowed to cash in on insider trading - I guess it does get confusing!

  2. It wont even be mentioned at the next Dem debate.

  3. The subpoena was served end of last year but it just was leaked today. It's still gone unanswered so perhaps that's the reason. It is interesting though that the DNC is allowing her to move forward. Who knows what will happen, but surely it will prove to be very interesting to observe from the outside. It feels more grave than Watergate.

  4. Bernie won't mention it he is a coward.

  5. How much will it cost this country to impeach a president when they could stop her now?????

  6. Oh no! This is the result of 25 Years of Republican smears...and Bernie is sexist...


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