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Monday, January 11, 2016

What They Are Saying: Governor Hogan’s FY 17 Fiscal Update is Music to the Ears of Many Marylanders

What They Are Saying ...
Governor Hogan's FY 17 Fiscal Update “delivers on all [his] promises,” “makes sense,” and is “music to the ears of many Marylanders”
The Washington Post Editorial Board: “The fact that 83 percent of state spending is formulaically mandated is, as Mr. Hogan pointed out, unsustainable.” (Editorial, “Maryland’s budget autopilot,” The Washington Post, 1/9/2016)
  • “There is a sensible argument to be made for trimming spending when state revenue falls or fails to meet projections. It was the absence of the flexibility to do so, in the last decade, that contributed to a massive structural deficit and, later, sharp tax increases as formulas dictated ambitious spending targets, especially on public schools."
  • "In the last election, Mr. Hogan’s victory was built partly on many Marylanders’ conviction that they are overtaxed.”
  • "Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan was elected on promises to cut taxes and nudge the state toward a more business-friendly posture by restraining spending."
  • "[H]e’s pushing an agenda in line with those promises, to predictable howls of overreaction from the Democrats who control Annapolis."
The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board: “[I]t's by no means unreasonable for him to have brought up the idea of tying mandated spending increases to state revenue growth.” (Editorial, “Hogan and taxes,” The Baltimore Sun, 1/8/2016)
  • “Mr. Brown said in his endorsement interview with The Sun in 2014 that, if elected, he would do exactly the same.”
The Carroll County Times Editorial Board: “Hogan was elected to rein in spending and so far that's exactly what he's done. His approval ratings across the state, high even among registered Democrats, seem to indicate Marylanders want to see more of the same. Democrats would be wise to keep this in mind as the session reconvenes on Wednesday.”(Editorial, “Keep chipping away at state deficit,” The Capital Gazette, 1/9/2016)
  • “Gov. Larry Hogan's sneak peek at his budget this past week, ahead of the 2016 legislative session, in which he indicates that he plans to cut taxes and pay down debt was likely music to the ears of many Marylanders and Carroll Countians who think spending has been out of control at the state level over the years…”
  • “In particular, Hogan is proposing cuts only take place when mandated spending outpaces state revenue. That makes sense — if you're trying to pay down debt, you shouldn't be spending more than you're bringing in.”
  • “State Democrats, who routinely panned Hogan's announcement Thursday, painted a picture of doom and gloom… But realistically, the tax cuts Hogan is promising equate to roughly half a percent each year over the next five, and we already know any state education funding already promised [will] be delivered.”
  • “Hogan recognizes there's only so much he'll be able to get passed with a Democrat-controlled legislature. Aiming small and chipping away seems like the most prudent choice rather than seeking deeper cuts which will only further the political divide.”
  • “Rome wasn't built in a day and, as Hogan put it Thursday, ‘eight years of fiscal irresponsibility … cannot be solved in 12 months.’”
Maryland Senate Minority Leader J. B. Jennings: “I know many legislators who agree that we have to re-evaluate these formulas — Democrats.” (Bryan Sears, “Md. Gov. Hogan promises tax relief proposal,” The Maryland Daily Record, 1/7/2016)
  • “Many have agreed. Now that their feet are being held to the fire, let’s see if they do it.”
Maryland Senate Minority Leader J. B. Jennings: “He’s doing his best to get state spending under control.” (Erin Cox & Michael Dresser, “As General Assembly session begins, it’s Hogan vs. Democrats,” The Baltimore Sun, 1/9/2016)
Maryland State Senator Andrew Serafini: “There are two ways to raise revenues. One is to raise taxes - we've tried that, it didn't work. The other one is to say ‘Let's give back to the taxpayers. Let's work to stimulate the economy in Maryland.’”(Kirstin Garriss, “Governor Hogan’s 2016 agenda includes tax relief and budget reform,” WHAG, 1/8/2016)
Maryland House Minority Leader Nic Kipke: “It feels great to be in the Governor Hogan era of Maryland government.”(Elisha Sauers, “Hogan promotes tax relief, spending restraint in next budget,” The Capital Gazette, 1/8/2016)
  • “This budget delivers on all the promises he made during the campaign: limiting spending and providing a pathway to meaningful tax relief, which is essential because Maryland is one of the highest taxed states in the country.”
  • “He earnestly wants to work with the legislature, and I believe that we'll be able to find common ground this session.”
  • “He's bringing common sense ideas to resolving Maryland's financial situation.”
  • “He's already delivered on tremendous results. He cut tolls, he cut taxes, he cut fees, and at the same time our budget's healthier than it’s ever been--at least in modern times.”
Maryland Public Policy Institute President Christopher Summers: "For too long, Maryland's budget has been on cruise control with taxpayers asked to pick up the tab later.” (David Collins, “Gov. Larry Hogan proposes $400M in tax relief over 5 years,” WBAL TV, 1/7/2016)


  1. Carol county residents and points west! The shore is screwed as usual. Hogan is not good for us on the shore. Period! Unless your a cop or state employee!

  2. Unsustainable spending is no good for the Shore, either.

    And the name of the county is "Carroll."

  3. Better than music to the fears of Marylanders.


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