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Monday, January 11, 2016

Fmr Pacific Fleet Admiral: Seal Six Shoot-down a ‘Capital Crime’

(THE UNITED WEST) Tom Trento, executive producer of the new movie “Fallen Angel – The Cover-up of the Shoot-Down of SEAL Team Six” which investigates the deaths of 30 U.S. special forces units in Afghanistan (the largest single day loss of life of SEALs in U.S. History), interviews retired U.S. Navy Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, the former commander-in-chief U.S. Pacific Fleet.

Lyons states the shoot-down of SEAL Team SIX was a “dereliction of duty” and further states that the Obama-Clinton restrictive rules of engagement also directly led to the deaths of 30 of our nations finest warriors.

According to Don Brown, former U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General officer and author of“Call Sign Extortion 17 – the Shoot-Down of SEAL Team Six states that under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, dereliction of duty in wartime situations is an extremely serious charge and is punishable by death.



  1. There is greater odds of having all of the unconstitutional executive orders reversed than Obama and Hilary ever seeing a day in court for the blood on their hands.

  2. Bite Me Biden should be hanged for treason.

  3. so when the gallows going up..


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