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Sunday, January 17, 2016


An open-carry gun owner reportedly in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on Tuesday recorded video of police confronting him in a restaurant and asking for his permit — and him continually refusing to show it. The man then recorded a second video in a second store after being confronted by police. Open carry is legal in Connecticut with a permit. The unnamed man began recording video of police questioning him in a Subway restaurant where he said he wanted to order food. “Why are you requesting my permit?” the man asked the officer in front of him. “Because you’re armed in a public place,” the officer replied. “Is that illegal?” the man asked. “It’s not,” the officer replied, repeating his request to see the man’s permit. The man continued to refuse to show a permit. When the man again asked the officer if it was illegal for him to open carry, the officer replied, “It depends on the situation. If you have a legal license, then it’s not.”



  1. He might even have a case for a civil rights lawsuit.

  2. Why be an ass....if the police ask to see the damn permit and you LEGALLY process such show it and eliminate the scene!! Some people just look for the opportunity to be confrontational...Both parties no doubt are concerned about safety...for himself and the officers for the community!

  3. It happened to me. I showed my ID and was left alone.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why be an ass....if the police ask to see the damn permit and you LEGALLY process such show it and eliminate the scene!! Some people just look for the opportunity to be confrontational...Both parties no doubt are concerned about safety...for himself and the officers for the community!

    January 15, 2016 at 12:36 PM

    If you are sitting in your car would you want a cop to ask for your drivers license?

  5. obviously, you people didn't watch this crappy video. it turns out the guy was correct and the kops, including a supervisor, left him alone, after harassing him and causing him not to be able to order food.

    kops cannot order anyone to show id, including a permit unless there is REASONABLE suspicion of a crime has occurred or about to occur. As this person has demonstrated, you do not have to comply with UNLAWFUL orders.

    It must be an old video as I could not find it on live leaks website.

    1. Your wrong. It states on the permit you must show if requested by Leo. You obviously don't have a conceal or open carry.

  6. 126 you don't get it or you just like conflicting conversation. It's totally reasonable for law enforcement to request permit. Wearing a loaded firearm comes with responsibility..

  7. Wouldn't object, I respect the police I would gladly show it and likely strike up a friendly conversation!!!

  8. Too bad Marylanders no longer are allowed our Constitutional rights.

  9. The operative words here, "It's not illegal."

    1. It's illegal if he doesn't have a permit.

  10. Papers! Let me see your papers! Lmao. You do not have to show your papers! Ever! Remember that. You may go thru the police typical arrogant and uneducated arrests but you'll get paid in the end. Me... I'll fight a cop to the death if he arrests me unlawfully.

  11. If the cop left him alone and the guy then shot up the place you'd all be crying the cop didn't do anything. What a bunch of baffoons

  12. Is probable cause necessary for the officer to request/demand to see the permit?

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    126 you don't get it or you just like conflicting conversation. It's totally reasonable for law enforcement to request permit. Wearing a loaded firearm comes with responsibility..

    January 15, 2016 at 1:57 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Your wrong. It states on the permit you must show if requested by Leo. You obviously don't have a conceal or open carry.

    January 15, 2016 at 2:18 PM

    Obviously not as the kops walked away without seeing any permit OR id. But don't believe your lying eyes.

  14. Just another harassment tactic and you sheep just follow along so willingly. You shouldn't need a permit, gov't permission, to exercise your rights in the first place. Such a bunch of scared minions.

  15. The cops were carrying in the same public location. The only difference being the cops were there to cause trouble where there was none,not to order sandwiches.

    They should have been required to show their permits!


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