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Sunday, January 17, 2016

City Panel Recommends Removal Of 2 Confederate Monuments

A commission appointed by Baltimore's mayor is recommending that the city remove two of four Confederate monuments on public property.

The seven-member panel voted on Thursday to urge removal of Roger B. Taney Monument on Mount Vernon Place and the Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson Monument in the Wyman Park Dell, The Baltimore Sun reported (http://bsun.md/1Kg0CXh).

Taney was the Supreme Court chief justice whose Dred Scott decision denied citizenship and constitutional protections to blacks before the Civil War. Commission member Larry S. Gibson said Taney "deserves a place in infamy."



  1. Auction them off you Baltimorons.
    I feel quite certain there's an interest. And, it'll help you pay some of your debts, so I don't have to.

  2. Once again, Liberals enjoying their hearty disconnect. A statue is meniscal at best when compared to the other issues at hand. People love to only deal with White Noise rather than face the grim reality. A lot of our fellow citizens are like Orwell's 1984 personified.

  3. Because, you know, history needs to be forgotten. Whatever...

  4. Completely disrespectful to those who fought as part of our nation's history all to appease some ludicrous notion of liberal political correctness. Truly another pathetic reflection of modern idiocy. I am truly embarrassed to live among this class of spineless, cowardice individuals who call themselves American. No balls, no guts, just a yellow stripe running down their backs.

  5. What is wrong with our History on display. You should add to not destroy history. Just because people do not like something does not mean they can push their ignorance on everybody else. Remember history and learn from it. Ignorance of history has put Baltimore in the Liberal / Progressive destruction it is experiencing now.

  6. I would proudly display them in my yard. Next they will want to destroy all pictures of George Washington crossing the Delaware River because there were no blacks in the boat. Give me a friggin break.

  7. Why not remove ALL the confederate states in our country, since they were the ones who promoted slavery. Liberal, ignorant, democrats, who jump on irrational ideals and causes that are ridiculous. You cannot erase the history of our country and the remains of its effect.

  8. 10:35 - my thought exactly. Destroying them because the message isn't comfortable is not unlike burning books. Let those who can appreciate them for at least their artistic value should have a chance at owning them.

  9. Obama crowd wiping every trace of white power before they leave office.

  10. Is Taneytown going to get a new name?

  11. Convienent outrage by social justice warriors. If you don't agree with the cookie cutter ideology being taught by teachers then you will be censored by way of public shaming.

  12. Were these not constructed with MD Tax dollars? If so all Marylanders have a say not just the Baltimore Drug leaders.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why not remove ALL the confederate states in our country, since they were the ones who promoted slavery. Liberal, ignorant, democrats, who jump on irrational ideals and causes that are ridiculous. You cannot erase the history of our country and the remains of its effect.

    January 15, 2016 at 11:52 AM

    No they weren't! All the states on the East Coast had slavery!

  14. Guess what Mayor Thugette, those monuments were there first. Leave them alone. If you don't like it then you can move out of Baltimore!

  15. I see them not as reminders of more than the struggle that this nation had in its infancy to stay the difficult course. Statues and monuments need not be all of people we personally admire.
    I'm waiting for oversized statues of Obama to be dedicated.

  16. Robert E. Lee said he fought the Union for trying to "wrest away the states' rights," but not a day went by that he didn't pray for them.

    A man who can embrace his enemies like that is a true leader.

  17. "Commission member Larry S. Gibson" -- that explains it. No doubt that libtard will want to replace them with statues of Freddie Gray!

  18. nothing better to do.

  19. I am sure there are private properties that have good public view that would like one of the statues erected on their home site.


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