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Wednesday, January 06, 2016

The GOP Brand Is Becoming Toxic

For the last few years, many people have been calling for the formation of a third political party. The latest budget deal demonstrated the error of that thinking: What America really needs is the formation of a second one.

After the deal was announced, the nation was forced to endure yet another round of media-trumpeted “bipartisanship.” Collusion is more like it, and the ones getting colluded against are average Americans who will be underwriting this 2,000-page paean to special interests. One that keeps upping an already unaffordable national debt, and makes a complete mockery of the notion we have at least one party dedicated to smaller, more responsible government. In fact the cheerleaders of this monstrosity ought to be required to answer a simple question:

What’s the compromise position between fiscal solvency and national bankruptcy?

Of course no one will ask such a question because it would force the surrenderist faction of the GOP to explain why they completely ignored the “stop Obama” mandate handed to them by voters in the 2014 mid-term elections. Economics aside, much of that mandate centered on public frustration with the de facto invasion occurring at our southern border. This bill just funded every progressive agenda item that aids and abets that invasion, including illegal alien resettlement programs, and Barack Obama’s constitutionally suspect executive amnesty agenda.

“There is a reason that GOP voters are in open rebellion,” explains Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL). “They have come to believe that their party’s elites are not only uninterested in defending their interests but — as with this legislation, and fast-tracking the president’s international trade pact — openly hostile to them.”

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  1. Point well made. The R/D in place is just the left and right wings of the same bird.
    Yes, we need a second party elected to save our Country!

  2. When THEY Act Like Democrats.



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