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Saturday, January 02, 2016

Send Us Your Trophy Shots

Salisbury News would like to share your hunting and fishing trophy shots. alberobutzo@wmconnect.com


  1. That poor deer is choking!!

    If my wife saw this, she'd be rushing over there to give it CPR.. :-)

  2. What a sportsman. A hero or role model not.

  3. Sick. Bait for a month, install motion detectors and cameras, then sit and wait for a vicious deer to come by at a time that is now known. Or shoot one from 500 yards with the long range gun outfitted with a laser scope. What an accomplishment. Small, insecure people with an ego problem.

  4. giant sells meat for a reasonable price

  5. Sounds like the hunters are going all soft and liberal in the area.

  6. To each there own But dead animals hanging and ones gazing over it is not my kind of entertainment

  7. You guys are ridiculous! People have been hunting since the beginning of time. Personally, I'd much rather eat something that someone shot than to buy something at a store that's been over medicated, processed and tortured.


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