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Thursday, January 07, 2016

Sanders and Wife Steered Campaign, Nonprofit Money to Family and Friends

Public records show pattern of payments to Democratic presidential candidate’s inner circle

Bernie Sanders and his wife have on numerous occasions steered money from organizations under their control to friends and family members, public records show.

The payments benefited the wife of the Democratic presidential candidate, his stepdaughter, and the son of a former colleague in city government whom Sanders has described as a close friend.

Sanders, a self-described socialist, is now running for the presidency on an anti-corruption platform, decrying public officials’ attempts to use their positions for personal financial gain.



  1. Comb your hair, Bernie, you look like a wack-job!

    Oh,wait. You are.

  2. you can tell hes a left wing nut job

  3. Trump needs to see this.

  4. This is illegal and people need to be arrested.

  5. that's what he is all about - other people's $$

  6. Sorry, but he looks like he belongs in a mental facility.

  7. If true, that might "Bern" a little bit.

  8. This was part of the reason I stopped supporting Ron Paul. I liked what he had to say on the surface, but when you dug a little bit deeper things started to fall apart in both word and deed.


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