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Thursday, January 07, 2016

Oslo Police: "We have lost the city."

“Early in 2010 Aftenposten stated that there are sharia patrols in this area, and gay couples are assaulted and chased away. ‘Immigrant Fatima Tetouani says that “Grønland is more Muslim than Morocco.”‘”

And that was six years ago.

“Norway: Oslo Police: ‘We Have Lost the City,’” Poqari News, December 31, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

The article below is about the apocalyptic level of culturally-enriched violence in Grønland, a district of the city of Oslo.

Grønland is only two subway stops from the Parliament, and one from the Central Station, fairly close to the government offices that were bombed by Breivik.

It looks like Karachi, Basra, and Mogadishu all rolled into one. People sell drugs openly just next to the Grønland subway station.

It’s not Norway or Europe anymore, except when there is welfare money to be collected. The police have largely given up. Early in 2010 Aftenposten stated that there are sharia patrols in this area, and gay couples are assaulted and chased away. “Immigrant Fatima Tetouani says that ‘Grønland is more Muslim than Morocco.’”

Readers should remember that Aftenposten, which is the largest newspaper in the Oslo region, is normally pro-Islamic and very Multicultural.



  1. Gonna start happening here unless we wake up and start taking these slimes out!

  2. Like the Germans didn't see this happening twenty years ago.


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