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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Neighborhood clears road so father can visit son with brain tumor in hospital

Matthew Bryant wasn't about to let a few feet of snow keep him from visiting his ill son in the hospital.

The 39-year-old father woke Monday to find his street, Sharon Drive in Urbana, unplowed. With his 9-year-old son in Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania, he decided to reach Roderick Road by snowblowing about a mile of his street.

Bryant said he began working at 5 a.m. As midday approached, about 25 to 30 neighbors were helping him, he said.

“It almost brought me to tears,” he said.

His son, Tyler Bryant, was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in June, according to Bryant. Doctors told the family at the time that Tyler had only a day or two to live, but he survived longer than that prognosis.


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