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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Former Pearson Exec Reveals Anti-American Agenda In Common Core

A former marketing executive for textbook publishing giant Pearson Education reveals the anti-American agenda behind Common Core and the Advanced Placement U.S. History framework in the third video of aseries produced by Project Veritas and focused on the corporate cronyism behind the education reform known as Common Core.

Kim Koerber, a former Pearson executive who now works as a sales consultant for National Geographic – another Gates Foundation-funded Common Core publisher – tells the Project Veritas undercover journalist that “conservative voters are afraid of everything,” and proceeds to say why Common Core is important in her view.

“The dead white guys did not create this country,” Koerber says. “They [presumably conservatives] want to talk about those dead white guys.”

Koerber continues that Common Core is necessary because “it needs to be come cohesion between the states.” She expresses frustration, however, that “Texas keeps screwing it up over and over again.”

“People who say they want to teach the Constitution, only want to teach the part of the Constitution that they like,” she tells the journalist, who then asks her about the Second Amendment.

“But yet they don’t want to teach all of it,” she replies. “Damn the Second Amendment.”


1 comment:

  1. "..dead white guys.."
    This is this POS's reference to the men, and women, who founded our nation. And, I'm guessing that there's a whole class of people [CC supporters] who think the very same way. Is it any wonder why we're in the shape we're in as a country? It's a cancer set upon us and I'm not sure if there's a nonviolent cure.


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