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Sunday, January 03, 2016

It Stops With Cops


  1. No, you don't rat out a brother cop. It is called the "Blue Wall of Silence".

  2. If you "Rat Out" a fellow cop, when you call for backup on a call you more than likely won't get it, no one likes a Rat Fink!

    1. No. Rat out the bad cops and replace them with new good ones who aren't criminals. Our whole sheriffs office needs to be fired.

    2. Say the guys who knows nothing. I have family that works their and know a lot of them are great guys.

  3. Funny, my entire career I made it known, I would not lie for you, cover up for you or turn my head if you decided to break the rules. I always had back up, trained a number of fine officers and had the support and respect of the community. It's all in how you approach the job and the image you project. I'll be the first to admit, many of the new kids are straight up pricks. Lessening of the admission requirements, lower IQ's, a lack of respect and ethical behavior, and the lower srandards and expectations of society all play a part.

    It's too easy to hand out tickets, with the computers and scanners in the cars. Tickets are issued for what was always a warning when I started and instead of one ticket they pile them on, only because they can and they don't have to hand write each one. They don't use common sense or step back to see the effects of the quick judgement they are making. It's truly a sad image.

  4. ABSOLUTELY WRONG!! It starts and stops with those who break the law...if you listen to a Police Officers direction and follow them no one gets hurt!!! Put the blame where it really belongs with the criminals!

  5. Just do as your told is right, Comply or Die.

  6. My mom always said the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

  7. very few "bad cops" thankfully.

  8. We stand with the police. Follow the laws and don't point guns or knives, don't talk back or run away and you hoodlums won't get beaten.

  9. What complete crap. I had to deal with a bunch of cops the other day. Treated them with respect and did not make their jobs any harder than necessary. Guess what? They treated me likewise and the issue came to a satisfactory conclusion for all of us.

  10. And please take note of the illustration. The beefed-up cop beating the poor, defenseless, black man in cuffs. Doesn't that just stink of a politically-correct agenda? Pure crap for the simpletons among us.

  11. The police only take advantage of the weak minded in this country. Know your rights and don't allow anyone to violate them

  12. Crisfield is filled with crooked cops. The Baltimore clique there is inspiring the new ones. Drunks, women abusers and ass kissers. Check out the new law suits filed against them. They keep the crappy ones and the good ones leave or they get rid of.

  13. 1233 in your day did you ever hear of police being arrested for not putting seat belts on? Or arrested bc it's better politically? Actually how many Leo have you known to be indicted by the local SA of the same jurisdiction?

  14. Our society is growing not only more violent but less responsible for peoples own action which started with the decay of the family. So anyone that tries to enforce laws or civilized behavior is foreign to these new type of people that take no responsibility for where they are or what they do with the expectation of a life free of rules.

  15. Crisfield sucks. Daisey has had protective order for child abuse and domestics. You see the eye of that one gal he was with?

  16. For you folks in Crisfield did you think Norman Swift was a good cop? Even after he murdered a man who witnessed him burn several buildings and knew about his crooked doings?

  17. Norman Swift was always shady. All the cops there are shady. Drunk on duty. Woman abusers. Quotas. Stealing money from the housing authority. Taking evidence for personal use.


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