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Sunday, January 03, 2016

ARE YOU KIDDING! House Dems STRIKE To Implement First Sharia Law!

As we enjoyed the Holidays with our family and friends… House DEMOCRATS moved to implement America’s first Sharia Law. If they get their way…they will be stripping us of our basic rights, and we need to be prepared for their TERRIFYING hope…and get Americans aware of what is happening!

On December 17, Democrat Congressmen quietly sponsored House Resolution 569, a resolution that asks lawmakers to condemn “violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.” The resolution specifically mentions Muslims, no other religious groups, and will serve as a test by which further criminalizing of “Islamophobia” may be introduced.

Democrats have shamelessly lumped together “hate speech” with “violence” in an effort to compare criticism of Islam to physically harming Muslims. H. Res. 569 threatens to restrict our right to even report facts that tarnish Islam’s reputation, a law that all Sharia-governed countries already have in place.

According to Congress.gov, the resolution reads:

“Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the House of Representatives denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim; urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes”

Muslims are slaughtering innocent people more than any other religious groups combined, all while refusing as a whole to condemn this barbaric Islamic terrorism, yet we are working to ensure these silent, consenting “moderates” have special protection — protection that they have never allowed religious minorities in their own countries.



  1. This has Obama written all over it. Once president, now KING.

  2. Moving closer to one day being a Muslim country.

  3. The Party of Liberal Jim - they denied GOD 3 times at their last convention.

  4. Inching towards fascism. This is exactly how Italy and Germany were progressing toward WW2.

    Wake up lefties. The people you are voting for are Fascists and communists

  5. 114th CONGRESS
    1st Session
    H. R. 569

    To prohibit the Secretary of the Interior from issuing oil and gas leases on portions of the Outer Continental Shelf located off the coast of New Jersey.

  6. Democrats waging a war on women and there too dumb to know it.

  7. I just tried to tell my girlfriend about this and she dismissed me with 'it won't happen and there is nothing I can do about It!' People call and write your senators and congressional reps now and tell them NO! Don't be like her and find out it was passed in the middle of the nite then wonder how did this happen...make your voice heard NOW1

  8. Obama's White House is full of Muslims. He's surrounded himself with like-minded people.

  9. OK, all you democrats feelin' real good about your party now? I'll just bet you're so proud...

  10. Stop going along to get along. This crap must be stopped and the people commenting on this blog can start by fighting against this stupid bill. Why on earth are you giving into something you don't want? Are you lazy or stupid? Make your voice heard loud and clear and let your friends and family know what's going on. Crap or get off the pot!!!

  11. The Democrats don't have enough votes in both houses for this to pass. If the law pass, they had help from the Republicans. Think about that.

  12. Our politicians aid Muslims in the take over of our country. How much easier could it be?

  13. At this point all most of our politicians are on the same side. The republicans in office want this crap as much as the democrats.

  14. "The republicans in office want this crap as much as the democrats."

    And how do you figure that? Resolution 569 has minimal bipartisan support. It is almost entirely a product of the DEMOCRATS. I'm no big fan of the Republican establishment, but you folks who think there is no difference between the parties are being played for suckers.

  15. All D's sponsoring this.

    I wrote Andy.

    How many of you did?


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