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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Internet Reacts After Video of Kid Throwing a Tantrum Over Getting the Wrong Video Game Goes Viral

On Christmas Eve, Twitter user @_Mayra Duarte_ posted a video of an 8-year-old boy opening his Christmas presents — and he was less than pleased.

In the video, the boy, apparently Duarte’s brother, expected to receive the latest version of a popular WWE video game. Instead, he received the 2015 version.



  1. Both mother and child deserved to be slapped

  2. That kid needs to learn to appreciate a dollar and know what it took for mom to be able to afford the game. I would make the kid volunteer for an entire day to appreciate what he has.

  3. Another out of control kid with ignorant parents who should have disciplined him right then.

  4. Spoiled brat needs a good hard spanking each time he acts like that.

  5. before long, he will be our president

  6. Reminds me of a guy I USED to date!

  7. Spare the rod....this is what you end up with!!!!!

  8. You see this type of behavior all over the place. Parents who say please stop...don't do that...stop that.....1 2 3 4 all the way to 10. The child 9 times out of 10 ignores the parent. We were told once maybe twice after that we were corrected by our parents. Usually once is all it took and we knew we were to listen or there would be consequences for our actions. Now no one is ever held accountable and there are no consequences for their bad behavior. If the child is not listening to the parent they also won't listen to the teacher or anyone else that is an authority figure. They will be the first ones to have their family on tv saying what a great child they were blah blah blah after they have either been locked up or killed.

  9. The future of our America!!

    God help us.

  10. Unfortunately this brat will only get worse, there is no respect here, and little reaction from the mother. Really scary in time he could even kill his parents or someone else. I am afraid there are more of these children, and a generation of them is like what has been happening in Baltimore with the riots, they think they are justified in acting out and have no boundaries at all.


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