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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Black Mob of 2,000 Violent Teens Shuts Down Kentucky Mall: US Media Refuses to Report Race Riot

The interesting thing with regard to this report is the fact that the media has been largely quiet on the race-riot component of the mall brawl and take over....

ABC News, CBS, NBC, none of the major media outlets made mention of this key component as can be seen in the following report.

Political correctness once again rules the day, in the US, not only with terrorism but also even with a race riot ~ Refocus Notes

ABC News

A mall in Louisville, Kentucky, reopened this morning after over 1,000 teens loitering, fighting and refusing to leave businesses forced the shopping center to shut down Saturday night, police said.

Around 7 p.m., police started to receive disturbance calls from the Mall St. Mathews regarding "juveniles who were loitering, refusing to leave businesses, fights, those kinds of things," St. Matthews Police spokesman Dennis McDonald told ABC News today.



  1. "We'll be working with mall management and mall security to see if they can come up with any policies ... to curb this kind of behavior in the future."

    Any "policies" specifically geared towards the bad behavior of black people, is by law..."racist".

    Jim Crow laws were enacted because of these very same behaviors. But since that's racist, it's out of the question.

    Look for the announcement of this mall closing in the near future.

  2. Follow the money. Somebody probably paid them to be there.

  3. Can't wait to see what responsible adults they will grow up to be.

  4. I was wondering if they could not "see" what color they were, how could they "see" how old they were? Why not just report they were all middle-aged white men? When rioting is now called a "disturbance", what will be next? Calling women men and men women? Oh.....

  5. Mall's need to become private clubs to allow entrance.

  6. if all malls start blaring country music the hoods will stay in their hoods

  7. these thugs have no place in society, if they just stayed in their section 8 housing that I pay for and get their lottery tickets that I pay for and stay off the street it would be great. they should stay in their crib and enjoy their big screen tv. AND BY THE WAY I PAID FOR THAT TOO

  8. why is this considered news? It happens all the time, even in Salisbury.

  9. when 1000 people show up at the same place for the same reason, there was some planning involved why hasnt it came out

    1. Wrong, it's called social media.

    2. We all know it's the Democrats that's why nothing is said.

  10. Just start bustin' some heads

  11. bless their little hearts, they be good folks

  12. Ahh!! The late 60s early 70s return. Fond memories and as usual if you don't learn from history you'll repeat it.

  13. Obama gave them Obama phones to coordinate these attacks.

  14. That's exactly what they are 8:45. ATTACKS! !! AND should be called ATTACKS by everyone! !!


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