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Friday, January 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton Weighs Making Investment Income Taxable for Social Security

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said that she would consider making investment income taxable through Social Security deductions in a bid to keep the government program afloat, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Clinton, the front-runner for the party's nomination in the Nov. 2016 contest, made the comments while campaigning in Iowa, where her lead has slipped in recent weeks ahead of the state's early voting contest.

"I am worried about certain recipients because I think it's important to enhance the benefits," the Journal reported Clinton as saying at a campaign event in the city of Decorah.

"We do have to extend the life of the trust fund and that's going to take some new funding," she said.



  1. If the government would put back what it took out - and reduce the new disability claims (in lieu of welfare/unemployment), the program would be solvent!

    Tax, Tax, Tax! First three words out of a dumbocrat politicians mouth!

  2. she needs to be weighing how much jail time she may get

  3. If Hillary's lips are moving, she is either simply lying or she's bold faced lying. In either event there will be no bad reprocutions for her, only for us. If you are one of her supporters, please get your head out of the sand. Thanks.

  4. You people think it's just Hillary?
    It's politicians.
    They will not stop until they have bled us dry.
    Which is the same thing we are going to do to them.
    I'm pretty sure that THEIR wailing and begging for mercy will be much more earnest than ours, however. Sort of like music for the common man.
    Its something to look forward to, anyway.
    keep cheering.

  5. Tax me once shame of you....

    Tax me twice shame on me.....

    Tax me again and again...OMG stop me from voting because I'm stupid.

    Use your brain when voting!


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