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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Head of School Security In Maryland Ranks Worcester County Board of Ed #1

A meeting was held this morning that involved every Worcester County Department connected to the Board of Education. Representatives from every School, Security, State Police, County Sheriff, state and county Fire Marshals and other local Law Enforcement agencies, Fire Department Officials and the top Security Agent in the state of Maryland.

Of course the meeting was based on all of the recent bomb threats. It was determined that these calls are coming in as phone spoofs. The problem is, each call has so many layers they are finding it just about impossible to get to the original source. 

To correct what so many people have been subjected to believe, the FBI does NOT have boots on the ground. They are simply monitoring what is going on throughout the state.

The state security representative gave praises to Worcester County for CALLING THIS MEETING and being the first Proactive Community to get on board so quickly. 

New PROTOCOL's are now being considered and Worcester County is going to start sending in teams very early in the morning to sweep schools before anyone arrives. 

Based on intel from the robo calls, they will be able to tell right away if these calls are coming from the same bogus source. Based on that intel they will decide what steps will be necessary concerning evacuation or shelter in place. Once students arrive, all schools in Worcester County will have all visitors entering the schools do so through the front entrance only. 

Worcester County has taken these terrorist threats very seriously. I think it's fantastic the head of school security came to Worcester County today and praised the people who are doing things right. I also think it's great that the state is considering a state wide PROTOCOL for ALL schools to follow. 

Congratulations Worcester County.


  1. I knew when I moved from Wicomico to Worcester that the schools are a lot better.

    1. Who would put there kids in the bury, thugs.

  2. Sweeping schools very early is a great idea. Thank you Wo. County! Parents can relax a little.

  3. wonder if it is better because the school board is elected and there is more accountability with it that way. Time for Wicomico to do the same.

  4. NOT with MATHIAS as the senator. HE KILLED THAT BILL LAST YEAR !!!!

  5. I don't "think it's great that the state is considering a state wide PROTOCOL for ALL schools to follow."
    The state nor the federal government for that matter ever be involved in schools affairs. Anything to do with schools should be kept on the local level. The way it should be is if the local officials want the state's help or input they fine but the state should get out of the business of mandating "protocols" or anything else for the schools.

  6. The meeting was with Taylor & Price, total first class effort, to involve the players, and come together in the interest of the STUDENTS. Working closely with Law enforcement, this is the example for Wicomico to follow. Hello Mike Lewis, oh, that's right, he's no-where to be found.

  7. They don't even have caller ID at Decatur.

  8. I agree w/3:54. Whenever a state or the federal government is involved there is too much room for pay backs so to speak. The "experts" and "advisers" (who keep tabs on this kind of stuff and then donate to politicians so they can get contracts) come out of the woodwork to offer up their advice and opinions and get paid big dollars for it. This is why taxes are so high. If the state wants to offer a seminar, workshop or whatever on this then fine but stay out of local school policies.

  9. There phones should not accept private blocked calls end of story.

    1. Sooooo....they block the call that alerts them to a possible bomb threat..credible or not? How does that logic work? Nobody wants the bomb threat but wouldn't you rather have a warning and a chance to evacuate?

  10. 3:54, You need to take your time when you READ something. The STATE isn't involved. It is the head of security in the state of Maryland for the Board of Education.

  11. Worcester has been a top system since the 1970's at least. Long before there was an elected school board. In Worcester the citizens generally support the system and they elect people who support the system.

    In Wicomico a lot of the people who want an elected school board seem to be outsiders interested in tearing the system down more than anything else, not raising the system up.

  12. This is EXACTLY how to structure a plan, bring the stakeholders together. Kudos to Worcester County.

  13. 7:39pm If they don't get an answer they have no thrill of the news of a bomb threat.

  14. now let's go rob 3 banks while the cops are chasing their tails over bomb 'threats'.


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