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Monday, January 18, 2016

EXCLUSIVE–Linda Tripp: ‘Bill Had Affairs with Thousands of Women’

In a rare interview, Linda Tripp, a pivotal figure in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, revealed on Sunday it was common knowledge while she worked in the West Wing that Bill Clinton had affairs with “thousands of women.”

Speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Tripp for the first time divulged that she personally knew another White House staffer aside from Lewinsky who was also having an affair with Clinton. That unnamed staffer was mentioned by Tripp in various depositions but she has not spoken about it publicly.

She charged that Hillary Clinton not only knew about her husband’s exploits, “She made it her personal mission to disseminate information and destroy the women with whom he dallied.”



  1. Lets not be ridiculous.If that is true he should change his name to Wilt.

  2. I've seen his wife and I don't blame him

  3. Exactly 537 she the reason. She is a lesbian

  4. I don't blame him either being married to that witch

  5. But, if she knew and covered all this crap up,why should she be your president?

    She knew Benghazi, and covered it up.

    Hundreds more, so why trust her with your nation's security and your Constitutional rights?


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