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Monday, January 18, 2016

Cowboys Rescue City From Stampede, Then Give The Most Hilarious TV Interview Ever

When a pair of runaway cows got loose in downtown Lubbock, Texas, several cowboy members of the Texas Tech Ranch Horse Team were deployed to coral the bovine trouble makers. What happened next will make you want to move to Texas immediately.

The video, which appears to have originally been broadcast in 2011 but went viral earlier this week, is 5 minutes and 39 seconds of pure hilarity.

Sherrod Greeson — cowboy, hero, patriot, student — explains in a thick, West Texas accent how the curious incident of the cows in the day-time began.

“I was in class, a very important class mind you, when I get a call that says there’s two cows on the highway,” the Texas cowboy patriot told a reporter. “So I jump in the Toyota and we run down there.”

The task was tricky, because several of the horses the cowboys were riding were “shod” (wearing horseshoes), which prevented them from being able to gain much traction on pavement. One of the cows gave them an extra bit of trouble after she continually evaded capture and then bashed her head through an attorney’s office in downtown Lubbock.

“A woman was sitting on the other side [of the glass] and she was all bent out of shape,” another cowboy in a black hat explained. “Real shook up.”

More here (with video)


  1. Nothing would ever make me want to move to Texas.

  2. 1:20 , Texas wouldn't have you , they are a proud state .

  3. God bless these men! What a fantastic litmus of some of this nation's best citizens!


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