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Sunday, January 03, 2016

As Baltimore Surges Past 340 Murders, Chilling New Video

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The bloodshed in Baltimore is out of control. The city could end up with the highest number of murders ever.

WJZ Investigator Mike Hellgren with video of a teenager’s final moments alive.

The teenager gets shot in the head, and the gunman simply walks away like nothing has happened.

Baltimore has already seen the highest number of murders per capita in the city’s history–just ten away from an all-time record.

As Baltimore surges past 340 murders, chilling new surveillance video shows a killer in the act.



  1. This proves the Police are handcuffed from doing their job. This also proves Maryland's judicial system is broken and that criminals are not being given a deterrent. Stricter guidelines on sentences and no early release / parole. Mandate day for day. Eliminate plea bargaining. No mandatory good time for release. This would be determine by their incarcerated record by a panel and must be justified thoroughly with a unanimous decision after 30% of time served. Enforce the "Gun Laws" that are on the books including Federal. Mandatory sentencing and bring back the "Death Penalty" with strict guidelines with no more than 3 years for 2 appeals only. Any time 2 matching results occurs that is it with punishment dealt within 14 days of last conviction. This would save Tax Payer dollars Court cost and all other expenses that will occur.

  2. Concerned Ritiree and others-Baltimore City can NOT afford to "eliminate plea bargaining." Contrary to popular belief the SA office is NOT flush with money. They operate on a budget. The costs for the trials of the Baltimore INNOCENT 6 will break the bank. The costs for those trials alone, astronomical. This will increase the number of pleas offered by the Baltimore City SA's office. The streets of Baltimore City will be flooded with REAL criminals. They will go back to terrorizing the streets. Good. It's high time those people learn that their idiotic actions do have consequences. The residents have only that ignoramus THEY elected as SA to thank. When you elect ignorance the streets will flow with blood. But you know what? Experience is the best teacher for the ignorant. In the meantime they just need to keep on digging the graves. NO one cares how they are killing each other off. They grew it now they can wallow in it and hopefully learn from their utter and sheer ignorance.

  3. I say make the prisons like the foreign prisons. Make it so horrible that they won't want to go back. That is the only way to stop crime. Also and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. You kill you die. You steal you lose a hand. Just like they do in other countries. I am sick an tired of the wet pants liberal pansies making crime profitable and comfortable.

    While we are on that Obama, Hillary and Eric Holder need to be in handcuffs and doing hard labor. They should also be charged in the murder of Benghazi's 4 and ATF Agent Brian Terry.

  4. That black life evidently didn't matter to some. In fact, it was in the way of their lives, so snuff it and move on, right?

  5. Let's go Baltimore! 10 more murders in just 3 nights... you can do this!

  6. Guess that teenager wasn't black enough for this to matter

  7. shows the gun ban is a failure just as the hundreds testified it would be. Thanks for not listening Omalley. Please remember the knucklehead who created this issue.

  8. Let them kill each other. Just think of ALL the welfare payment we are saving. They should send a C130 over and drop some 100% grade cocain. It will be like ants on sugar.

  9. Baltimore should quit giving away millions for no reason before trials and spend that on prosecutions

  10. Yup it all whiteys fault and dont forget the cops. How do you police this type of people without some level of violence being utilized. Why dont all you cop haters got to Charm City tonight and walk the streets after midnight handing out hugs for thugs. We will get the ten to beat the resord trust me. lol Libtards are soley responsible for this blood shed. The Mayor and Moseby created this lawless city now deal with it.

  11. Listen people and try to soak this in , the police respond to crimes , they cannot predict a crime or prevent a murder when someone decides to shoot another. End of discussion !
    The police carry guns to protect themselves , not you.

  12. She hires a white police chief to clean up a black mess.

  13. how is Baltimore doing compared to Chicago, weve got to be catching up to them. lets go charm city, get it done. second place is for losers

  14. A militia is the only way to deal with these animals...not to insult animals.


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