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Friday, January 29, 2016

Advocates Of Right To Die Bring Back Bill In Annapolis

Maryland supporters of allowing terminally ill residents to legally end their lives with drugs prescribed by a doctor are reintroducing legislation this year.

Supporters said Thursday the measure would allow mentally capable, terminally ill patients with less than six months to live to obtain prescription drugs they could ingest themselves, if their suffering becomes unbearable.

Del. Shane Pendergrass, a Howard County Democrat who is sponsoring the bill, says the choice would be up to the individual, who would self-administer the drug.



  1. If a person is ready, then he/she has no need for the medical establishment.

    A huge decision. Extremely private and personal.

    Why involve them?

  2. It's already done, just not so legally. This will take the practice out of the shadows and give it some dignity.

  3. Better to leave it in the shadows.

  4. I believe that if there was assisted suicide that was legal and open to anyone considering ending their life it would be a very good thing.

    Many poor souls who are considering suicide have no one to talk to.

    Many people who commit suicide are not in their right state of mind.

    With assisted suicide all people would be able to openly discuss their feelings and need for suicide and in some cases this would open up a way to save lives of those who have not been thinking clearly for whatever reason.

    For those who are seriously ill and tortured by a fatal illness this offers the ability for people to say goodbye in a dignified manner and peacefully pass without horrible suffering. As medicine has progressed it has failed to consider the fact that people are not suppose to live forever and placed people in situations where they should have the right to simply say "enough."


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