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Sunday, December 13, 2015

WCSO DFC Bouchelle Receives 2015 MADD Award

DFC Bouchelle recieved his 2015 Mother's Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Award this past Friday, December 4th. Pictured with him is Lisa Spiknall of MADD- Maryland. DFC Bouchelle was honored for his dedication to taking drunk and drugged drivers off Wicomico County streets. In addition to being the Agency's highest DWI/DUI enforcement Deputy, he is also the Agency's only Drug Recognition Expert (DRE).


  1. Pretty easy when u sit in the bar parking lot at 2am. We all know the real story

  2. Congrads. Keep the good work.

  3. Great award. Good looking presenter she's a babe!

  4. Nice work Deputy. Actually 7:47 he gets them all over the county. If he did sit at the bar who cares don't drive away drunk. I don't going fishing in the desert I go fishing were the fish are LOSER !!

    Great work to all the police that take drunks off the road.

    7:47 I hope I run across you. You will wish it was that Deputy instead of me.


    1. I hope I do run across you modi. Your that super cop that needs to be stopped. Poster boy for comply or die. Can't wait to kick off the citizens starting to fight for their rights.

  5. Be careful deputy, a lot of cops that get these rewards end up with their own dui. Karma I guess.

  6. 9:18 Don't get out much do you?

    9:40 You sound like a deputy with a GED. Such role model behavior.

  7. 10:44 you sound like a pompus ass. If you are looking to police to be your role model maybe you need a GED. As for the police I am glad they are out there looking out for us. Is it me or these cops getting shorter every year.

  8. 12:45 Your IQ is only exceeded by your shoe size. I can take of my property and my family without the police and I have two (2) advanced degrees. BTW, thank you for paying for both them since I went tuition free in MD.

  9. Sorry. Left out the word care in pervious post @1:46. Brain is faster than fingers and I don't have a secretary anymore.

  10. Jeremy is one of the best deputies Wicomico has. He won't a abuse his power. He is a good cop. And I am a guy who has been arrested by him. I am a loud voice against the cops. We need more like him. Not sure about the parking lot deal. But if he saw a reason and didn't post at a bar waiting then even more kudos.

  11. 3:59 is right. He's a good one. Keep up the great work!!

  12. 12:45 Mike doesn't like to hire people any more than 5 inches taller than himself so no deputies over 5'8 are hired nowadays.

    1. You complete me Mini-Mike! Har!

  13. What happened to Danny Long from the DNR Police. He used to win the award all the time.

  14. Great work Jeremy. As for 1:46 there is no doubt you got two degrees free lol. Libtard. Funny how Democrats brag about all the "free" stuff they get. They never take into consideration someone pays for it in the end. Try getting it the old fashioned way 1:46 work for it.

  15. 12:34 Sorry to burst your preconceived notions but I am a republican and went on a full academic scholarship. Started several businesses and retired in my 40's. It is people like you that allow people like me to get wealthy, not too bright and will work for next to nothing all day long. Thanks again.

  16. The MADD rep needs to get a jacket that fits.


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