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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Delmar High School Marching Band Told Not To Wear Santa Hats In Christmas Parade

Leave it to the Town of Rehoboth Beach to demand that the Delmar Marching Band not wear their Santa Hats because it OFFENDS them. 

Yeah, I'll bet if I dyed them RAINBOW colors they would have given a standing ovation!
I just don't know what's more offensive?


  1. If that is true then dont go and raise hell about it or go and wear them anyway. The city can not do anything.

  2. I think it's sad to watch an hour long Christmas parade in Salisbury and see only one entry showing the true meaning of Christmas.
    However, I did enjoy the parade, and Santa hats on band members would have been cute to see.

  3. Anyone who is "offended" by a Santa hat has very serious mental problems and needs to be in an insane asylum. It is a dangerous person who is "offended" by something so innocent. A very dangerous person who is capable of anything including serious physical harm to others.

  4. The town of Rehobeth is just one big Fexual Santasy.

  5. If you are offended by a Santa hat then you won't be very happy in life. I would wear one anyway.

  6. all the school bands should boycott the parade. the most ridiculous thing ive seen lately. thanks sjd

  7. Wear your hats, go to the parade and just let them be offended.

  8. Being offended by things/words is a sign of an extremely weak, mentally fragile person but when someone is offended by a thing i.e. Santa hat that does cross the line into a serious mental condition that is characterized by emotions and thinking that is dangerously impaired and the person has lost complete touch with reality. Yes, a very very dangerous person.

  9. I'm thinking about wearing one every day.

  10. Liberal Mayor and Town Manageger. Enough said. I did not attend parage when I heard about it. Sad first one I missed in years. Grow some Christmas Balls people.

  11. The band was also asked to not play any religious Christmas music, so as to not offend non Christians watching the parade. My daughter is very upset.

  12. The comment by 12:48 just shows how bad things are getting. It's a CHRISTMAS parade, celebrating a religious holiday! If they won't let them play religious Christmas music, then they might as well change the name of the parade from Christmas to Holiday.
    Oh and if Christmas music offends people, I wonder if they will be exchanging presents and getting together with family on Dec. 25th? Hypocrites...

  13. The bands should all pull out then. I know the student musicians would be disappointed but to pull out would send a powerful message that they can be very proud of. Not only that every media outlet would be beating the door down to interview the musicians.

  14. I agree - all the bands and everyone else should pull out.

  15. NAACP, and Al Sharpton says that "White Christmas" is a "Racist" song and should also be banned.
    The nonsense is never going to end till we get a president with some balls to say it like it is. Pray that Trump wins!

  16. God loves white people best, that is why he made angles and snow white!

  17. and you will burn in hell for being a racist.

    1. Being a "racist" doesn't make anyone go to hell. It isn't a sin.

  18. A real leader would have said "Hell No We Won't GO!!"

  19. Is that a photo of the annual Jingle Balls Fun Run?

  20. I've been offended by gay rights parades, and similar freak shows, but I just bite my tongue and don't attend those events, as I understand even those I disagree with have the right to express themselves. This is (was) America. Maybe it's time we start complaining when those types of events are planned and demand equal consideration. And I disagree that the school bands should boycott the parade. They should wear their Santa hats and play their religious Christmas music extra loud an extra proud. That's what the parade is all about. I don't attend gay rights parades and those that don't agree with Santa or religious Christmas music should just not attend Christmas parades if the are "offended" by them. truly, this isn't about being offended. It's about controlling culture. Screw them.


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