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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

State Dept: We Don’t Prioritize Christian Syrian Refugees over Other Religions

(CNSNews) – A State Department official told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Thursday that the U.S. does not prioritize Christian Syrian refugees just because of their religion.

“We’re not going to change the program, somehow bring more of one particular religion than another,” Anne Richard, assistant secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, told the committee.

During the hearing on foreign travelers and national security, Richard said the U.S. is bringing Christians in from Syria, but she said “they are underrepresented in part because they make up a small part of the refugees from Syria.”

“And that’s the problem,” said chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who noted that only 29 Christian Syrian refugees have been admitted to the U.S. during the year.

Richard said that most Christian Syrian refugees are not fleeing, because they feel safe.

Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) asked, “You said they’re not fleeing, because they feel safe. Ms. Richard, how many Christians have we brought in, in the last five years?

“Four percent of all the Syrians we have brought have been Christian or other minorities,” said Richard.

“You’ve brought in 53. You tell me that’s four percent? Because according to the numbers that aren’t hard to find – you can look this up on CNN, Wikipedia, or any place else – there are 2 million Christians decimated, okay? Two million Christians. According to Pope Francis, he calls it genocide,” said Walker.



  1. Neither one of them should be on U.S. Soil. We are at war with them! Only idiots will welcome them here and to stupid to realize we have to pay for them.

  2. He lies. You Christian? Yes! You can't come.
    You Muslim? Yes! Come on in if you need ANYTHING just let us know. Thank you Democrats for ruining this state,country and soon the wored with your fouled beliefs and PC BS.

  3. ADMIN lying once again.

  4. Since the Paris attacks.. only ONE Christian has been admitted to the US, along with 235 muslims.
    Just one.

  5. The Pope's recent visit has evidently not had much influence with our government, although I'm sure that there are hundreds of Kodak moments recorded at our leaders' requests. Nothing looks better than an 8 x 10 on a politician's wall than a picture with the Pope, no matter what you really think about him.

  6. 4:54 So? Isis kills WAY more muslims than christians... but, let's not stand in your way of religious hatred. Who is the religion of peace and tolerance? Oh, right... none.

    I will stick to GOD and leave you organized worship con artist to kill each other.

  7. well this IS a 'christian' nation so christains SHOULD have priority. if anyone doesn't like it they can move to a country of their choice instead of continuously trying to change this one

  8. Regardless of the Judeo-Christian origins of our moral ideology, or the secular intention of our Constitution, the fact remains that we have accepted "refugees" as people who were in need of a (temporary!) safe haven. A "refuge" for humanitarian reasons.

    That said...exactly what do Muslims need "refuge" from? Other Muslims? The barbaric, dysfunctional and violent communities they themselves create and stubbornly cling to?

    Muslims can stay right where they are at, and be Muslims. They can pick up a pitchfork or a rifle, a machete or a scimitar, and run the "insurgents" out of their villages if they really cared about it. They can simply hike next door, to another Islamic coutry. But they don't.

    Christians, gays, and dissidents are the only ones who are in fear for their lives, and who are truly persecuted. They are the only ones who need "refuge", and to turn them away in favor of their oppressors is appalling, inhuman and incomprehensible.

    I agree with Mr. Trump: end Muslim immigration here.


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