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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Miller: Gray Trials " Should Never Have Been Tried In City"

A powerful state lawmaker is weighing in on last week’s mistrial in the case of Officer William Porter

In an interview recorded for this Sunday’s Maryland’s News This Week, Senate President Mike Miller said the Officer William Porter trial, and the trials of the other officers accused in the death of Freddie Gray, should never have been held in Baltimore City.

Miller, who is a trial lawyer says what happened after last week’s mistrial is a sign that a Baltimore City jury won’t be able to reach a fair verdict.

"To have a mistrial and have people picket a mistrial, just shows that it is very difficult to have a very fair trial in an emotionally charged area," Miller told WBAL NewsRadio 1090.

"You need finality in these cases," Miller added.



  1. That is the smartest thing that Doofus has ever said!

  2. Exactly what I was going to say 1:40!

  3. What is he doing about it? We all no is wrong!!!

  4. Miller right but try telling that to an affirmative action judge and a states attorney. Poster boy and girl for what a failure it is.
    The money being spent would be better going after real criminals who now are going to be let go and given deals, then right back out on the streets killing more blacks. Serves them right though. You can't fix ignorance and experience is the best teacher with these kind.

  5. I could of told that

  6. Miller is like bad breath -- can't get away from it.

  7. even with the Rembrandt I

  8. They should NOT have been charged in the first place. Had he not committed crime after crime...he would not have put his butt in that situation in the first place...but only PROVES crime does pay...how dang sad.

  9. yup, they used to take you across town, take your shoelaces and money, but fools still come back

  10. Wrongful Death Actions are essentially placing a monetary value (damages) on the life of the decedent. If the life of a married, employed father of four (with at least 20 years left to work and 40 years left to live) is worth $250,000, how is a long term unemployed repeat felon, dead by negligence, worth $6,000,000. God Bless the USA.

  11. The whole thing is an appeasement fro the thugs and no not the ones running the city.

  12. Anonymous mack said...
    They should NOT have been charged in the first place. Had he not committed crime after crime...he would not have put his butt in that situation in the first place...but only PROVES crime does pay...how dang sad.

    December 22, 2015 at 8:35 PM

    mack mack mack. no one is above the law and that includes the ones wearing those jackboots you have your tongue stuck to.


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