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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

SHKRELI: They arrested me because I jacked the price of pharma drugs

(Reuters) - Martin Shkreli, the pharmaceutical entrepreneur facing U.S. charges of securities fraud, has said he had been the target of legal authorities for his much-criticized drug-price hikes and his over-the-top public persona, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Shkreli, who was arrested on Thursday and released soon after on a $5 million bond, has been charged for engaging in what U.S. prosecutors said was a Ponzi-like scheme at his former hedge fund MSMB Capital Management and Retrophin Inc, a company he headed before he took the helm of Turing Pharmaceuticals Inc. The maximum sentence for the top count is 20 years in prison.



  1. If he has posted a bail of that magnitude , he certainly has enough money to buy lawyers that will get him off like OJ .

  2. I Hope he gets 20 yrs and catches Hiv in prison Karma.

  3. 646 depends what oj case.

  4. Soooooo many politicians just lost a huge chunk of income. Expect him to be out in short order.


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