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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Menu Microaggression: College Students Declare Ethnic Food To Be Racist

Students at Oberlin College are complaining that the meals served in the dining halls are culturally insensitive just days after students released a massive list of 50 demands on the university in the name of justice.

Asian students are upset with the College Dining Services’ (CDS) attempts to make ethnic Asian food, claiming their approximation is not authentic and is, therefore, an “appropriation” of their culture, The New York Post reports.

Diep Nguyen, a freshman from Vietnam, was originally excited the university served a Banh Mi Vietnamese sandwich. But then it “turned out to be a cheap imitation,” since they used different bread and coleslaw rather than pickled vegetables it was deemed offensive.



  1. This is sad. The way I see it, the food service was trying to expand the menu to suit a wide variety of tastes and these little brats are too spoiled and ungrateful to appreciate it. When sushi is served in little plastic packs at the Royal Farms it has become part of the culture so therefore it's difficult to "appropriate" it.

  2. So, why doesn't little offended Diep Nguyen go to the kitchen staff and educate them on how the real thing is made?

    Oh, wait. It's an institution of higher learning! We have to organize a protest here!

  3. the future is hopeless

  4. Let them pack their own lunches.

  5. Stop feeding these ungrateful POS. Or get a pair and tell them what my parents told me. Don't wait it?? Don't eat it!!

  6. I have never protested but really wanted to upon seeing what the eastern shore passed off as italian food with the exception of Vinny's La Roma. If you are going to do something, do it correctly.

  7. Too bad, kids. Perhaps you could extend the same amount of tolerance that you demand from others. Or lend your culinary knowledge and expertise to the food staff instead of complaining about what they're trying, albeit unsuccessfully, to do to make you feel more welcome.

  8. This why American colleges trail other countries in academics.

  9. They are just here to sue us dry. All you illegal/visa immigrant lovers. You will pay for allowing these folks into our country. The back in the day illegal came here to work and help build this country. These new breeds of illegals and visa immigrants just want to take,, take and take.

  10. just go back to vn and you can eat whatever the hell you want. so tired of people complaining about dumb crap.


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