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Thursday, December 03, 2015

Rev. Jesse Jackson Wants Special Prosecutor in Chicago Police Killing

Civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson said he remains incensed about what he claims was an elaborate cover-up by Chicago officials of the police shooting death of a black teen.

This week, Mayor Rahm Emanuel fired police Superintendent Garry McCarthy days after an officer there was charged with murder and a court order forced the release of a dashcam video of Officer Jason Van Dyke allegedly shooting Laquan McDonald 16 times. The 17-year-old had a knife, but did not appear to be lunging at police in the video. Jackson spoke by phone Wednesday with C4.

"The police chief, the mayor, and the state's attorney had the tape and they covered it up," Jackson said.

The video and autopsy report conflicted with the initial police story that claimed McDonald died from a single gunshot wound to the chest, as the Chicago Reporter reports.



  1. What the Hell does Jesse Jackson have to do with it?? All he wants is to see a white man hang to death.

    If he is so worried about Chicago then maybe he should set up camp there and work on the black on black crime.

    The cop was doing his job, doing what he was trained to do.

  2. When blacks kill blacks or blacks kill whites you never hear from this POS.

  3. Screw him!! What about the preacher wife that was recently raped and murdered by several black animals? What type of prosecutor would he like for them?!!

  4. Jesse Jackson is like Al Sharpton they both leave a bad taste in your mouth they are a disgrace to the black race.

  5. I'm guessing JJJr could not be reached for comment.

  6. JJ for next Governor of Illinois! Then, donate the State to Canada.

  7. I've been hoping we could donate California to Mexico for years!

  8. the rev has spoken, consider it done


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