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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Police Union to NFL: Fans Are Vulnerable to Terrorism in Stadiums, Change Your Concealed Carry Ban For Retired Cops

A little over one week after multiple ISIS terror attacks in Paris, one of which was carried out a soccer stadium, the National Fraternal Order of Police is asking the NFL to reverse it's ban on concealed carry in America's football stadiums for current or retired law enforcement officers. From Fox News:
More guns are needed at NFL games to keep fans safe, according to the nation's largest police union -- which recently asked the league commissioner to let certain firearms owners pack heat on Sundays.

The National Fraternal Order of Police has asked the NFL to lift its ban on fans carrying guns at games, at least for retired and off-duty law enforcement officers who hold permits to carry concealed weapons. In a letter to Commissioner Roger Goodell, FOP President Chuck Canterbury said armed cops are the best bet for stopping a terrorist attack inside a stadium.

“Today, I am writing on behalf of the members of the Fraternal Order of Police to urge you to rescind this policy, which weakens the safety and security of NFL players, personnel and fans,” read the Nov. 20 letter, which was reported by BuckeyeFirearms.org. “The terrorist attacks and threats of attacks from organizations like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) are selecting targets based on the amount of death and injury they can inflict -- mass murder and casualty events.

“Well-attended venues and areas are being deliberately targeted by the radical killers who do not intend or expect to survive the assault," the letter continued. "Law enforcement, even when working actively with highly trained and skilled security professionals, cannot be certain that all threats will be detected and neutralized.”


  1. So we mere mortals still can't have our 2a right?

  2. What?

    MORE GUNS means it will be safer?????

    So what delusional world does the anti-gun, people live in then when the data and even the police union says more guns equate to safer places...

  3. I'd feel safer. NOT!

  4. Wasn't it a retired cop with a gun that shot and killed a man in the movie theater around Tampa FL in 2014? All over a cellphone being used during the previews. The case of Curtis Reeves Jr., a retired Tampa police captain accused of shooting to death a fellow patron in a Wesley Chapel movie theater.

  5. Well if you wouldn't feel safer, then stay home.

  6. Yeah 70k drunk idiots that already want to beat the hell out of each other. What could go wrong with a few guns thrown into the mix? Stupid.

  7. I do stay away from sporting events and large crowded events. Not out of fear but rather out of the fact that most of people attending are not the type of people I associate with nor care to. Drunks at sporting events and concerts are not my crowd and there are a percentage of them that "sober up" to drive home from said event. Rather not be driving with them on the road either. Less worried about muslims than I am of locals.


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