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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Perdue chicken...sign the petition....

Petitioning Perdue Farms, Bruce Stewart-Brown, Jim Perdue, Randy Day, Joe Forsthoffer

Tell Chicken Giant Perdue to Stop Appalling Animal Abuse

Petition by Mercy For Animals

I’ve worked at many farms and seen a lot of cruelty to animals, but I still wasn’t prepared for what I saw at a Perdue chicken factory farm in North Carolina.
I watched in horror as workers kicked and stomped chickens to death or picked them up by their heads and spun them around to break their necks. One worker picked up a chicken and threw her hard against the wall and then violently kicked her. Others grabbed birds by their wings, legs, and necks and threw them into transport crates with no regard for their welfare.
What I saw was beyond disgusting. But you don’t have to take my word for it. I used a hidden camera to document the abuses I witnessed. I reported these abuses to the owner and called the Perdue hotline, but saw no corrective actions taken. At Perdue Farms, cruelty to animals is just business as usual.
I also turned my video footage over to law enforcement with a detailed legal complaint. Based on my video footage and testimony, law enforcement arrested the worker I filmed stomping chickens to death and charged him with felony cruelty to animals.
I am thankful that law enforcement has acted quickly to pursue justice on behalf of these abused animals. But stopping one animal abuser at this one Perdue facility won’t help the millions of chickens treated the same way in other facilities across the country. We need to do more.
Because of caring people like you, who sign petitions like this and use their voices to speak up for the voiceless, we have already seen some of the biggest food companies make changes that reduce the suffering of millions of animals.
For example, after hearing from thousands of people throughChange.org, Nestlé, Walmart, and Starbucks all made commitments to ending some of the worst forms of factory farm cruelty in their global supply chains.
There is no reason Perdue can’t do the same.
Please, take a moment to sign my petition calling on Perdue to stop torturing chickens and adopt meaningful animal welfare standards.
Thank you.
Undercover Investigator


  1. can someone start a petition to stop these stupid petitions of delicious quality meats?

  2. This guy doesn't understand that the 'farmers' are NOT Perdue employees - rather they are independent contractors. Maybe there needs to be additional language in the contract - but enforcement then becomes a nightmare.

    Not saying what happened is acceptable - it is NOT!

    Perdue still treats its product better than its people!

  3. Deep fry that rascal to a golden brown and smother in gravy...screw the petition!

  4. lol...delicious quality meats and Perdue should never be conflated.

  5. These are chickens, com on man thats good eating.

  6. Dear Scott,

    Please attempt to find gainful employment rather than waste my time with useless petitions. I personally couldn't care less how they are killed.

  7. "Anonymous said...

    can someone start a petition to stop these stupid petitions of delicious quality meats?

    December 21, 2015 at 10:07 AM"

    "delicious quality meats?" Oh wow have you not lived! You are only existing. None of these factory farmed meat companies produce by anyone's stretch of the imagination "delicious" or "quality" products. It's all over processed with chemicals that should not be entering the human body. I wouldn't even feed this crap to my dog.

  8. I am sure they prefer CHINESE processed chicken :(

  9. They are going to the slaughter house anyway. Why worry about the ride there?

  10. To 11:47 a.m. - -

    I take offense at your comment about "factory farmed meat"! As a poultry grower, I can read every ingredient that goes into my chicken's feed. Can't say the same about some of the groceries I see in the stores! So if you don't eat this "over processed" chicken, where do you get your chicken? Don't forget, places like Royal Farms, Kentucky Fried, McDonald's, etc. buy their chickens from companies like the ones I grow for. My dad had a saying and it still applies. "When you complain about a farmer, don't complain with your mouth full." In my words, don't forget that most people eat three (at least) times a day and you'd better be thanking a farmer.

  11. 1:24 PM

    just because you can read the ingredients does not mean they are good for people. come on

  12. 2:16 And every farmer can make a decision on what food goes into your food. Lumping all poultry farmers in one bag is moronic. And, please don't throw out organic/non gmo crap, as that is worse than buying chinese chicken laced with lead.

  13. That is one tasty chicken!

  14. You really shouldn't torture them, but its a waste of time making this a legal issue. OK I understand trying a petition to try to get Perdue to watch out for this. I however won't sign because I'm afraid that when its all said and done that I will be paying $10 a breast because the chickens need massages and pedicures by law.

  15. The big chicken companies product is crap. Common sense tells you that chickens shouldn't be eating nothing else but feed. They need bugs, worms, grass and maybe feed for supplement. Humans weren't meant to eat animals who themselves eat an unnatural diet. This is why cancers and other diseases unheard of or very rare decades ago are now epidemic. I know of 2 people who changed eating habits because of a chronic disease and haven't had problems in years with change of diet. One lady thought for years she had Crohn's disease because she was told this. She had several operations and was on all kinds of meds. Still flare ups all the time. When she moved to London she visited a holistic practioner who advised to eat only free range meats. She hasn't had a problem in years now. Another with irritable bowel when she switched to free range no problems whatsoever. Dr explained factory farmed eat a diet of a lot of corn and it's passed on in the meat and hard for humans to digest and causes problems. I don't buy Perdue chicken because it stinks. I buy from Greenbranch and their chicken doesn't leave that nasty smell on you hands after you handle it raw. The smell won't even wash off. I get beef and pork from Chesapeake Bay farms and turkeys I order from a place up in Dover and pick up in Bridgeville.

  16. Factory farmed meats are bad for you. You need look no further then the Amish. They should be dead by the time they are 30 but they aren't and go on to live long lives and aren't plagued by nearly the health issues we the "english" are.
    They cook with bacon grease, lard, use sugar and white flour like it's going out of style and they are overweight. But they don't have the high BP, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer etc etc that everyone would think with this diet. Researchers attribute this to their diet of minimally processed foods and meats that are raised the way nature intended. It's not so much the food itself, but what's being done to the food. We may think it's great we aren't paying $10/per breast of chicken but I think a lot of those who are told they have weeks left to live would have gladly paid that in exchange for a cancer free existence.

  17. FYI - Perdue supports Democrat candidates -- good insurance against regulation!

    1. They also support Republican candidates. Look at the financial reports of both sides.

  18. But did you die....bet you ate that chicken tho lol

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:16 And every farmer can make a decision on what food goes into your food. Lumping all poultry farmers in one bag is moronic. And, please don't throw out organic/non gmo crap, as that is worse than buying chinese chicken laced with lead.

    December 21, 2015 at 3:52 PM

    you want to try again and this time be sensical?

  20. Where do these idiots think chicken comes from, other than Giant or Food Lion?

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Where do these idiots think chicken comes from, other than Giant or Food Lion?

    December 21, 2015 at 11:04 PM

    why does anyone have to be an idiot just because they want their food treated and killed properly?

  22. Because if you don't believe in the same things as the bornhere you is a idiot. They don't have the intellect to form an argument based on anything other than name calling. Just what they do.....

  23. To:
    Undercover Investigator

    I suggest you take your libel and your silly activism.. and your rage against Capitalism somewhere to a Universe far away... a job would keep you busy in life...instead of the pathetic cries for others to change behavior

  24. Anonymous said...
    FYI - Perdue supports Democrat candidates -- good insurance against regulation!

    December 21, 2015 at 6:14 PM

    Bingo, Randy Day - Jake Day, Jim Mathias. Wothless POS's.

  25. Anonymous said...
    They also support Republican candidates. Look at the financial reports of both sides.

    December 27, 2015 at 2:54 PM

    Prove it!!

  26. Big Business ALWAYS supports democrats because contrary to what they want the public to think they want regulation. This keeps out competition. In the advent of anti trust laws they had to think of a way to get rid of competitors and keep new ones from forming.
    I agree with comment above in that the grocery store chicken Perdue included is extremely foul smelling. Store turkeys stink too. I won't feed it to my family and I pity those who can't afford or don't know enough to be feeding their families good quality food.

  27. It's pretty evident that nobody on here has the time or ability to look up the campaign reports....

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Because if you don't believe in the same things as the bornhere you is a idiot. They don't have the intellect to form an argument based on anything other than name calling. Just what they do.....

    December 27, 2015 at 8:31 AM

    but I'm a born here, but then I was never really liked so there's that lol

  29. This is absurd. Come on people THINK for yourselves. Learn the facts. Don't believe everything you read/hear.
    Perdue is a world class company and has the best people in the industry.
    Don't say things you know nothing about and can't possibly back up. Please.

  30. 'Scott',
    Get a clue.

  31. If you have ever looked at chickens on a truck and thought nothing of it, then by all means, eat the stuff. If you have looked at chickens on a truck and thought, "Poor chickens" then you should know that is probably the best day of their very short lives. If you have a conscience, you should never eat meat unless you kill it yourself or know for certain that the animal has been humanely raised, transported, and killed. Few animals have their luxury. This kind of treatment goes on at ALL slaughterhouses. I am surprised there has not been a zillion class action lawsuits over advertising food animals as happy. Cows, at least, get to walk around a bit but the cruelty that goes on in slaughterhouses is unimaginable to the clueless people who pick up a packaged steak. And pigs, who are has smart as dogs, really live a life of misery. Smithfield has been caught on tape many times torturing pigs. Imagine what is going on behind closed doors since the Chinese bought them. Bottom line, people have to eat and many will never give up meat, but as morale people we have to pick the lesser of the evils. What that means to each is a morale decision, but to continue to eat the flesh of animals you KNOW have been tortured makes you not only an immoral person but a person without compassion. If you care you should sign the petition.


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