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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Note from the Delmar Police Department

Delmar Police Chief Ivan Barkley, would like to make Delmar, MD and Delmar, DE residents aware of some parking violations his department is noticing. Delmar, MD Ordinance # 718 and Delmar, DE Ordinance # 161 specifically notate several items that constitute violations of the Parking Ordinances and Chief wanted to bring them to everyone’s attention before tickets are issued and vehicles towed.

1- Abandoned Vehicles- disabled, inoperable or junk vehicles – Any motor vehicle, such as an automobile, truck, van, trailer, motor home, motorcycle or any type of yard, farm or road equipment, remaining on the street for 72 hours or more having one or more of the following conditions: Expired registration, Unregistered vehicle, or Inoperable as applicable to State Law is in violation.

2- Blocking Private Driveway- It is unlawful for any person to park within five (5) feet of any driveway or let stand any motor vehicle, trailer, mobile home, whether occupied or not, except to momentarily to pick up or discard passengers, on any highway, road, street or within the Town limits of Delmar, MD and Delmar, DE. Anyone doing so is in violation.

3-Left Side Parking- It is unlawful for any person to park or let stand any motor vehicle, trailer, mobile home on the opposite side of any highway, road or street facing the opposite flow of traffic within the Town limits of Delmar, MD and Delmar, DE. Anyone doing so is in violation.

Chief Barkley wants to make this information available to the citizens of Delmar now, prior to any warnings or tickets that may be written, so everyone can be aware of what the Ordinances state.
For more information about either MD Ordinance # 718 or DE Ordinance # 161, please contact Town Hall at 410-896-2777 or 302-846-2664 for a complete copy.


  1. However, selling and using heroin will be ignored as we write parking tickets.

  2. That pretty much covers everyone in town.

  3. Never heard of him doing anything like this while he was in SBY.....

    Needs to be done though!

  4. I suppose this will improve the image and every little bit helps.

    What about the heroin?

  5. The Chief is trying to help people out by giving them a heads up. But we all know the fools that won't comply and will scream and cry when the tickets and towing occur.

  6. Yeah - I am sure Chief Barkley is going to announce something like;

    Delmar Police Department has noticed Heroin violations that need to be corrected....

    Moron, he will surely work on that considering he has more than 20 years working in investigations and CDS. He cant do it on his own, send him tips and help out. Stop whining and be a help in the community. No I dont live in Delmar, I just know how good a person the Chief is.

  7. Always some dissatisfied lawbreakers. You have been warned. So shut up.

  8. Moron, he will surely work on that considering he has more than 20 years working in investigations and CDS. He cant do it on his own, send him tips and help out. Stop whining and be a help in the community. No I dont live in Delmar, I just know how good a person the Chief is.

    December 2, 2015 at 9:03 AM

    I have spoken to a man that lives in Delmar and he has told the police multiple times of seeing drug deals up the street from where he lives and they have done nothing. Coupled with ahole neighbors he has given up and is going to move.

  9. 9:27 AM, has the man you know spoken to the Chief himself or just to someone at the police department. Tell him to speak to Chief Barkley and then see what happens.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:27 AM, has the man you know spoken to the Chief himself or just to someone at the police department. Tell him to speak to Chief Barkley and then see what happens.

    December 2, 2015 at 10:20 AM

    I really don't know. Are you saying there is no chain of command? They don't talk to each other?

  11. If you feel there is a problem big enough to post it here anonymously, surely you can give a moment out of your day to contact the person in charge of the department. You also need to consider that perhaps the complaints were filed with the old regime. Give the new one a shot.

  12. This is why I live in the country

  13. Tarp your projects or broken down cars. They can't look under without a warrant.
    And the parking the other facing direction? Really? Revenue time. New Chief needs to put out a warning to dealers. Not this petty crap. But hey..... Gotta make that money. You've been warned.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you feel there is a problem big enough to post it here anonymously, surely you can give a moment out of your day to contact the person in charge of the department. You also need to consider that perhaps the complaints were filed with the old regime. Give the new one a shot.

    December 2, 2015 at 2:08 PM

    I'm not the one who witnessed it now am I?

  15. The chief was responding to a resident's complaint about parking. He can't very well enforce the problem for one person, without addressing the same problem everywhere.


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