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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Al-Jazeera America Producer claims it’s ‘Disrespectful’ for ABC to Show Photo of San Bernardino Female Killer without Burka

In one of the more foolhardy cases of stupidity you’ll ever read about, here’s a producer for Al-Jazeera America objecting to ABC releasing a photo of San Bernardino killer Tashfeen Malik without her face covered…

Malik, along with husband Syed Farook, was a mass murdering radical Islamic terrorist.

14 innocent men and women were slaughtered at their hands.

Hashem Said has zero right to criticize ABC for releasing a photo of Malik without a burka because he thinks it’s ‘disrespectful.’



  1. That is a man. I don't care what anyone says.

  2. As a woman, I can honestly tell you that the picture is a man. That is why the eyebrows appear at one point to have been shaven into shape but have grown back... in a manly way.

  3. They should be showing a photo of them both dead and shot all to hell.

  4. "Hashem Said has zero right to criticize ABC" he has every right to criticize anything he wants to- this is still America and the First Amendment still stands

    1. And we have the right to ignore the whinging of the inbred goat-botherer, while showing the evil bint's face of shame.

  5. Screw you Obama you Muslim idiot!!!

  6. I D C...Farook her/him/them.

  7. Please tell us why she needs or should be respected. How many did she kill?

  8. I'm sure she doesn't mind .

  9. sorry, 11:21, he's not American, therefore no rights to/for anything, PERIOD!
    Visitor/alien status!

  10. So he can criticize, but abc cannot?
    I think NOT

  11. What's disrespectful is opening fire on a roomful of innocent people, but showing the face of an evil woman is what this guy chooses to be offended by.

  12. I thought she looked more like a man than he did

  13. So, she wore a burqa, yet this photo exists? Hmmm. GTFOH. I'd prefer they only showed the photo of her dead, bloody face. Much more respectful.

  14. I've noticed several news outlets not showing her face.....

  15. Yea! like the song says, goat hearders they are, they milk there goats even if they are male!

  16. That picture is just pure BS. Something they want you to believe. I don't believe for a minute that that picture is who they shot. Show us the picture of her dead - that's the one we want to see. And.....if she was a "typical" housewife as they reported on tv, I really didn't know "typical" housewives made bombs and shot guns at people and killed them.

  17. Well then if she wore a burka in THIS country then she was radicalized and there is NO debating this because Islam does NOT require the face be covered. Doing that is a cultural thing and anyone who wishes to dress in such a manner should move to Saudi or Pakistan. There they would be more comfortable with their fellow "devout" Muslims. Ban the face covering from all Western countries. It is covering someone who is radicalized which is a step just below a terrorist.

  18. Wake up fellow Americans, if you do absolutely nothing about Islamic terrorism we are going to pay a heavy price, also note that this woman's family never saw her face as it was always covered. Why don't we do as France and other countries have done and ban the Burka. Without a doubt because of the gutless lying evil man some call president's lack of action against these people we are going to suffer big time in a building near you any time soon

  19. More disrespectful is the murder of innocents.

  20. These people have no decency and no morals. It is ingrained in them since birth and this is why they are no good and not fit to live in civilized society. Every decent moral civilized person knows without question that respect is earned and when you take another person's life you are to not be respected unless you come from a culture of inbred backwards misfits who never evolved into civilized human beings.

  21. That's OK once Trump gets elected he won't even be here.

  22. In a month or so, leaked autopsy photo's will be out, then they also should be published, her naked body all full of bullet holes for everyone to see and laugh at!

    1. We're better than that, not slavering hyenas like the majority of the masses over there.

  23. They should have shown her with the lead Burka she was wearing after S.W.A.T. dressed her up for her meeting with Alah.

  24. 7:53 they are not showing her face because one eye is completely blown out, there are several photo's of her head on the net, but as fast as they go up the site owners are pulling them down. In a month or so they will be onto some other tragity and then you can see it.

  25. 11:51
    your right but Unfortunately that still a year and a half away.

  26. 12:16 your on the right track but what they should of done is to show them being burried in a Pig carcass, never to have her appointment with her alah!

  27. 10:01 The men believe they will get 72 servants when they die. The women don't get anything. (Except maybe they get to be those servants?)


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