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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Liberal Trendies Want to Bring Unvetted Syrian Refugees to US


  1. as long as they have room enough in their homes for the nice muslims and their pipe bombs I guess its ok, the ak47's shouldn't take up too much space

  2. Liberal Progressives are the biggest threat to national security today.

  3. God bless those willing to take in those fine people, because they will be talking to God real soon

  4. 1:00 I think it's mostly uninformed morons who flat out don't give a crap.

  5. As long as THEY aren't paying out of pocket for them, and not in THEIR neighborhood.

  6. Anonymous said...
    God bless those willing to take in those fine people, because they will be talking to God real soon

    December 26, 2015 at 1:34 PM

    I hope you are just kidding!


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