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Saturday, December 26, 2015

How To Be A Good Regifter, Because Sometimes You Just Have To Pass Along All Those Scented Candles & Picture Frames

It’s inevitable around the holidays: your anticipation when opening a beautifully wrapped gift from a friend or loved one turns into bafflement in a matter of seconds. Instead of appearing ungrateful, you smile and graciously thank the gift-giver while your mind is quickly churning out ways to keep that item from ever reaching some box in the back of your attic.

The most likely option: regifting. In 2013, a poll conducted by Consumer Reports on holiday gripes found that 20% of people who were unsatisfied with their present simply regifted it to others.

A quick survey of Consumerist Twitter followers also found that regifting was a viable option for finding new homes for unwanted items. So far, 61% of readers say they would definitely regift an item, while another 26% surely would, but just haven’t had an opportunity to do so yet. Just 13% of respondents claim they could never find it in their hearts to part with gifts, no matter how unwanted.


1 comment:

  1. Speaking of giving, don't give anything to the beggar hanging out by KFC by Kmart in Salisbury. I know of someone who bought a meal at KFC and brought it out to him on Christmas Eve. He refused it, stating he wanted money instead. People be aware.


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