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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Is Slavery Really Gone?

Wednesday marked the 150th anniversary of the ratification of the 13th Amendment, which banned slavery. Barack Obama observed the occasion, saying, “A hundred and fifty years proved the cure to be necessary but not sufficient. Progress proved halting, too often deferred. Newly freed slaves may have been liberated by the letter of the law, but their daily lives told another tale.” He’s right that systemic oppression has often been a part of America — indeed, the human experience. He called slavery “our nation’s original sin” and described all the ways the struggle against it has unfolded over the years. It should go without saying that slavery was (and is) a vile institution.

What Obama failed to mention, however, is his own party’s long history of guilt on the matter. The Democrats' “Great Society” has done nothing but run up trillions in debt to continue poverty. As Mark Alexander wrote on the 50th anniversary of that travesty, “The human tragedy of LBJ’s soul-crushing ‘welfare’ programs is incalculable.

A rapidly growing permanent underclass, one utterly dependent on the state for its day-to-day existence, now constitutes the Great Society.” By design, Democrats benefit politically from that dependence and permanent racial grievance. Also by design, the first black president has only made race relations worse.

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  1. This really says it all.
    I sure wish the people who have been victimized by these programs could see how they've been had.

  2. Not until African Americans let it go but they won't because of the $

  3. WE ARE ALL slaves to the gubmint.

  4. No slavery isn't gone. The liberals/Dems have been holding the blacks and hispanics in slavery for many years and the sad part is they don't get it.

  5. So much bad is created, often by those who truly are trying to create good, and by some who know exactly what they are doing.

  6. The 'people' that were originally traded as slaves - are now slaves to the Federal Government....except the Federal Government doesn't ask for anything in return for the money they're given - the politicians just want votes!

  7. it is not. It is repackaged as welfare in this day and age.

  8. Enough with the incitement.

  9. You people are sickening with your Liberal vs Conservative B.S
    The whole Christian West is Guilty. You are playing both ends against the middle.

  10. The Democratic plantation encourages it, conservatives offer a better way (freedom).

  11. And just who sold/traded slaves to slave traders?? The truth hurts!! This president's own family participated in the slave trade in order to prosper and yet he wants to cast stones??

  12. 11:19 - you should read some history.....some of the first slaves were sold by their own kind!

  13. Slavery is not gone. As a tax payer I feel I am a slave to all those whom do not provide for themselves. My hard work is squandered every day to go to welfare, food stamps, unemployment etc. When will the majority of hard working individuals wake up and smell the slavery?

  14. Black or white we are all slaves to the dollar. It controls each and every one of our lives.

  15. Slavery has continuously been and is still practiced by countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia since history began.

  16. Jews have been enslaved and masacured by hundreds of thousands. They overcame. Chinese overcame, Irish overcame, Asians overcame. The only group that did not and had great oppurtunity is the African American. I think as long as they continue the identify as African American they will never overcome. It is a mentality of anger and a laziness never seen before. Created by welfare.

    150 years is long enough. Stop the guilt trip it is old and tired. Work by the sweat of thy brow. The world is at your feet.

  17. Slavery was the only period of time that the majority of the black population actually worked. Now their population is broken down to:

    In prison 49%
    On welfare 40%
    Active in criminal activity 10%
    working 1%

  18. We are all slaves to the FED.
    Let us hope and prey that Israel saves us from this terrible government.

  19. I'm over 60 years old....I have never personally witnessed any slavery. So all that people are arguing over is history....history is DONE!! Can't go back and undo whats already been done! We can and should move on...

    1. I completely agree. History is over. That's why we don't need confederate flags anymore.

    2. That has nothing to do with pride In in the heritage and history the Confederate flag represents.

  20. i agree, eliminate all flags!

  21. Minimum wages is the true reason for slavery. Slaves were dependent on their masters. Minimum wages make hard workers slaves and dependent on government assistance.

  22. 3:24 I can't believe 1% are working.


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